Description of the Mueller Matrix for Multiple Scatteringat 90°

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Mueller matrix elements are presented represen ting scatter to 90° from an incident polarized laser beam. The cases considered include five particle sizes (such as l.24 μm, 0.494 μm, 0.36 μm, 0.123 μm, and 0.065 μm), two concentr ations (such as 0.002 5% and 0.005% by volume), and three detector depths (such as 0, l.5 cm, and 3 cm into the scat tering volume). If the magnitudes of the elements can be rounded off to the near est 0.01, a particle size dependence is described by the resulting average mat rices, which is only two matrices for d >0.22 μm and d <0.22 μm which are nonsingular and asymmetric, respectively. The cases include five particle sizes (such as l.24 μm, 0.494 μm, 0.36 μm, 0.123 μm, and 0.065 μm), two concentrions (such as 0.002 5% and 0.005% by volume), and three detector depths (such as 0, 1.5 cm, and 3 cm into the scatter volume). If the magnitudes of the elements can be rounded off to the near est 0.01, a particle size dependence is described by the resulting average mat rices, which is only two matrices for d> 0.22 μm and d <0.22 μm which are nonsingular and asymmetric, respectively.
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