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大田栽培桃树。因桃的大多数品种具有自交结实特性,且有昆虫传粉,一般不用进行人工授粉。在日光温室桃生产中,一般无昆虫传粉条件,即使种植自花结实能力很强的品种,也必须进行人工授粉来提高坐果率。现将具体操作方法与注意事项介绍如下。1.采花在预定授粉前的2~3天,采集大蕾期(花瓣业已松散而尚未开放的花蕾)的花朵。有几个品种采几个,混合放置。授粉实验证明,桃树混合花粉的效果好。采花的数量可根据授粉面积,采花树的花 Field cultivation of peach trees. Most varieties of peach with self-fruiting and fruiting features, and insect pollination, generally do not need artificial pollination. Peach production in the greenhouse, the general conditions of insect pollination, even planting self-cultivation ability of strong varieties, but also must be artificial pollination to improve the rate of fruit set. Now the specific methods and precautions are described below. 1. Collecting flowers In the pre-pollination 2 to 3 days before the collection of large buds (petals have been loose but not yet open buds) flowers. Several varieties of mining a few, mixed placed. Pollination experiments show that peach mixed pollen effect. The number of flowers can be based on the area of ​​pollination, flower tree flowers
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1 目前食品添加剂的生产、销售以及使用过程存在一些混乱现象: 1.1 盲目上马生产食品添加剂没有规划和长短期计划,一些企业在没有进行市场调查预测的情况下,即一哄而上,笔者