Preliminary results of in situ laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the first wall diagnostics o

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Post-mortem methods cannot fulfill the requirement of monitoring the lifetime of the plasma facing components(PFC) and measuring the tritium inventory for the safety evaluation.Laserinduced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) is proposed as a promising method for the in situ study of fuel retention and impurity deposition in a tokamak.In this study,an in situ LIBS system was successfully established on EAST to investigate fuel retention and impurity deposition on the first wall without the need of removal tiles between plasma discharges.Spectral lines of D,H and impurities(Mo,Li,Si,...) in laser-induced plasma were observed and identified within the wavelength range of 500-700 nm.Qualitative measurements such as thickness of the deposition layers,element depth profile and fuel retention on the wall are obtained by means of in situ LIBS.The results demonstrated the potential applications of LIBS for in situ characterization of fuel retention and co-deposition on the first wall of EAST. Post-mortem methods can not fulfill the requirement of monitoring the lifetime of the plasma facing components (PFC) and measuring the tritium inventory for the safety evaluation. Laser induced volume spectroscopy (LIBS) is proposed as a promising method for the in situ study of fuel retention and impurity deposition in a tokamak. in this study, an in situ LIBS system was successfully established on EAST to investigate fuel retention and impurity deposition on the first wall without the need of removing tiles between plasma discharges. Spectral lines of D, H and impurities (Mo, Li, Si, ...) in laser-induced plasma were observed and identified within the wavelength range of 500-700 nm. Qualitative measurements such as thickness of the deposition layers, element depth profile and fuel retention on the wall are obtained by means of in situ LIBS. The results demonstrated the potential applications of LIBS for in situ characterization of fuel retention and co-deposition on the first wall of EAST.
族名:祖鲁族  籍贯:南非  分布区域:祖鲁人主要分布在南非的夸祖鲁-纳托尔省,以及莱索托东部和斯威士兰东南部。  语言文字:祖鲁人使用的语言是祖鲁语(isiZulu)。祖鲁语于南非是最多人采用的语言,超过一半的南非人口懂得祖鲁语。很多祖鲁人亦懂得英语、南非语及其他11种南非官方语言。  婚姻习俗:婚姻实行一夫多妻制,各房妻妾严格论资排辈,以家族继承人的母亲为首,还实行转房婚(即遗孀必须嫁亡夫之弟
[摘 要] 提前发现大学生心理危机,进行有效干预,对建立和谐校园、促进大学生成长成才具有重要意义。建立有效的危机干预体系,可及时有效进行干预,将心理危机事件对大学生的影响降到最低。  [关 键 词] 大学生;心理危机;危机干预  [中图分类号] G448 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2018)16-0299-01  近年来,全国各地大学生的危机事件经常发生,解决大学生的心