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江苏省昆山市巴城社区教育中心坐落于风景秀丽的东阳澄湖畔,中心占地总面积13400平方米,建筑总面积9342平方米,总投入9600万元,于2011年3月投入使用。该中心分教育培训和文体活动两大功能区。其中教育培训区拥有580座多功能报告厅、200座阶梯教室、电脑培训室(数字化学习室)、演播室和书法、美术、音乐、摄影等特色教室5只,还有宽敞舒适的专兼职教师办公区和活动展示区,各教室均配有教学电脑、投影仪及其他专用现代化教学设备。电脑室配有投影及音响设 Located in the beautiful Dongyang Lake, Dongyang, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, Community Education Center covers a total area of ​​13,400 square meters with a total construction area of ​​9,342 square meters and a total investment of 96 million yuan. It was put into use in March 2011. The center is divided into education and training and sports activities two functional areas. Including education and training area with 580 multi-purpose lecture hall, 200 ladder classrooms, computer training room (digital learning room), studio and calligraphy, fine arts, music, photography and other special classrooms 5, as well as spacious and comfortable part-time teachers Office area and activity display area, all classrooms are equipped with teaching computers, projectors and other special modern teaching equipment. Computer room with projection and sound set
娃娃家里新添了一个美丽的布娃娃,早饭后孩子们争先恐后地进入娃娃家,限制人数的小脚印根本不起作用。 “谁知道互相谦让?”王老师走了过来。 “……”孩子们大瞪着眼谁也舍
《时事》杂志欢迎同学们踊跃投稿。 一、封面刊头题字。每期封面“时事”两字选用中学生的书法作品。每期一换,来稿请用毛笔书写,以行书为主,不要繁体字,纸张洁净平整。二、卷首
它是幼教经验的传媒,它是幼教知识的载体。它凝聚着大量作者的心血,它挥洒着创编人员的汗水。 It is the media of preschool experience, which is the carrier of presch
6月21日,《湖北教育》(教育教学)理事单位第一次联席会议在湖北教育报刊社召开,武汉市教学研究室等20多家单位的负责同志参加了会议。 On June 21, the first joint meeting o
Modeling of network traffic is a fundamental building block of computer science. Measurements of network traffic demonstrate that self-similarity is one of the