Construction and expression of retroviruses encoding dual drug resistance genes in human umbilical c

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boboluping
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A series of retroviral vectors encoding human mdrl gene alone as well as in combination with either human mgmt gene or human mutant Ser31-dftfrgene are engineered. The resultant retroviruses are used to transduce human umbilical cord blood CD34+ cells. It has been shown that expression of dual drug resistance genes in transduced cells confers a broad range of resistance to both kinds of corresponding drugs. These data suggest a rationale for the use of such double chemoresistance gene constructs in an in vivo model in which transduced hematopoietic cells will acquire multiple protection against the cytotoxic side effects of combination chemotherapy and may have future application in chemoprotection of normal tissues, thus killing tumor cells more effectively. A series of retroviral vectors encoding human mdrl gene alone as well as in combination with either human mgmt gene or human mutant Ser31-dftfrgene are engineered. The resultant retroviruses are used to transduce human umbilical cord blood CD34 + cells. It has been shown that expression of dual drug resistance genes in transduced cells confers a broad range of resistance to both kinds of corresponding drugs. These data suggest a rationale for the use of such double chemoresistance gene constructs in an in vivo model in which transduced hematopoietic cells will acquire multiple protection against the cytotoxic side effects of combination chemotherapy and may have future application in chemoprotection of normal tissues, thus killing tumor cells more effectively.
竹红菌甲素(Hypocrellin A,简称HA)是我国首先发现并应用的一种高效光敏剂,并已用来治疗某些顽固性皮肤病.它是从天然资源中分离的一种苝醌颊衍生物(分子式C_(30)H_(26)_O_(
1 病例报告患者,女,49岁,农民。因白带增多1年就诊,诊为宫颈癌Ⅰ期,于1998年9月21日收住本科。入院时,神志清楚,消瘦外观(体质量37kg),其他检查无特殊可询,因气道畸形,气管插管有困难,于9月23日下午2时在连续
“未来20年内我一定有机会在中国赚取比在美国更多的财富。”谈起中国未来的商机,伊恩雄心勃勃。越来越多的人开始把中国当做一个前途远大的就业基地。  在全球经济放缓的阴影之下,中国经济独树一帜,大放光彩,而且正在吸引越来越多的外国求职者前来淘金。  美国人伊恩“师出名门”——他毕业于哈佛商学院MBA项目。2009年伊恩来到北京谋求发展,目前他是北京王府学校的辅导员和国际事务协调人。虽然伊恩在北京相对微