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果树的病害和一般植物病害一样可以分为寄生病害和非寄生病害。寄生病害中又有真菌病、细菌病、毒病和微小害虫寄生病害等;非寄生病害中有营养失调引起的病害,温度不当引起的病害,空气中气体成分不当引起的病害,日灼病,药害等。至于我国的果树病害,如苹果腐烂病则为苹果的主要病害(图1)。可是其他国家里苹果 The diseases of fruit trees can be divided into parasitic diseases and non-parasitic diseases like the general plant diseases. Parasitic diseases have fungal diseases, bacterial diseases, toxic diseases and pests parasitic diseases, etc .; non-parasitic diseases caused by malnutrition, diseases caused by improper temperature, improper air composition caused by gas diseases, sunburn, Injury and so on. As for China’s fruit tree diseases, such as apple rot disease is the main disease of apple (Figure 1). But in other countries, apples
一、前言“HD-1”是美国Dulmage于1970年从红铃虫上分离得到的一个对棉铃虫等害虫毒力较强的菌株,在苏云金杆菌分类上属血清型3a3b,定为库斯塔克变种(Bacillus thuringiensi
(四)田园管理的改良。这方面包括田园清洁、中耕、追肥、灌溉、排水、果树的修剪等。 田园清洁首先要求清除作物的各种残余物,如遗株(茬)、枯枝、落叶、落果等,因为在这些残
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蜡蚧轮枝菌[Verticillium lecanii(Zimm).Vigas]已被证明对多种蚜虫、温室白粉虱和其它一些害虫具有防治效果。近年来试验证实,化学农药对这种真菌具有不同毒性。例如,Galan