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上海市第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议审议了市人民政府提出的《上海市城乡集市贸易食品卫生管理规定修正案(草案)》,常委会第三十一次会议决定对《上海市城乡集市贸易食品卫生管理规定》作如下修改: 一、第一条修改为:为了加强本市城乡集市贸易的食品卫生管理,保证食品卫生,保障人民身体健康,根据《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》和国务院发布的《城乡集市贸易管理办法》,结合本市具体情况,制定本规定。 The 29th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress examined the Amendment to the Provisions on the Administration of Food Sanitation Trade in Shanghai Urban and Rural Market (draft) proposed by the Municipal People’s Government. The 31st meeting of the Standing Committee decided The “Shanghai Urban and Rural Market Trade Food Sanitation Regulations” as follows: First, the first amended as follows: In order to strengthen the city’s urban and rural market trade food hygiene management, to ensure food hygiene, protect people’s health, according to “China People’s Republic of China Food Sanitation Law ”and the State Council promulgated the“ urban and rural market trade management approach ”, with the specific circumstances of the city, the provisions of this provision.
如何有效地保护农民的健康,是农村卫生工作的重点问题。本人根据当前农村卫生面临的十大矛盾,提出对策供决策参考。 一、十大矛盾 第一,高要求与低认识的矛盾。“2000年人人
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Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of compound Dixiong Decoction (地芎汤, a Chinese herbal decoction) on early prevention of radiation pneumonitis. Methods: Fo
根据省人民政府湘政发[1987]21号文件精神,省公安厅等31个单位全省性的行政事业性收费已由省行政事业性收费清理整顿小组核定,现印发给你们,并就有关事项通知如下: Accordi
进入 2 1世纪后 ,中药以其独特的优势和巨大的发展潜力引起全球范围更大的关注。中药的使用有着非常悠久的历史。特别是在中国 ,形成了兼备精深医药理论、丰富用药经验和深厚