
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyakl1314
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Background: Unstable atherosclerotic plaques activate blood cells which may adhere to the coronary endothelium causing vessel occlusion. However, it is unknown if different clinical syndromes associated with plaque rupture induce similar blood cell activation and adhesion to the endothelium. Methods: We studied changes in adhesion molecule expression of platelets(GPIIb/IIIa), neutrophils -CD18, CD11b and L-selectin -and monocytes(CD14) after interaction with active lesions of patients with stable angina subjected to PTCA and patients with unstable angina(UA). Generation of superoxide(SO) radicals from PMNs and PMN sequestration in the coronary circulation were also assessed. Blood samples were collected from the aorta(Ao) and coronary sinus(CS) before and 15 min after PTCA(n=13) and within the first 48 h of UA(n=12). Results: PTCA induced a marked up-regulation of CD18, CD11b, CD14 and GPIIb/IIIa with L-selectin shedding and reduced SO formation, whereas only minor L-selectin down-regulation and decreased SO production indicated activation in UA. However, a significant decrease in neutrophil count in the CS compared to the Ao was only observed in UA. Conclusions: The magnitude of cellular activation depends on the underlying clinical setting and just partially contributes to cell adhesion to the endothelium which might be modulated by different extent of vascular occlusion and shear forces. Background: Unstable atherosclerotic plaques activate blood cells which may adhere to the coronary endothelium causing vessel occlusion. However, it is unknown if different clinical syndromes associated with plaque rupture induce similar blood cell activation and adhesion to the endothelium. Methods: We studied changes in adhesion molecule expression of platelets (GPIIb / IIIa), neutrophils -CD18, CD11b and L-selectin-and monocytes (CD14) after interaction with active lesions of patients with stable angina subjected to PTCA and patients with unstable angina (UA). Generation of superoxide (SO) radicals from PMNs and PMN sequestration in the coronary circulation were also assessed. Blood samples were collected from the aorta (Ao) and coronary sinus (CS) before and 15 min after PTCA (n = 13) and within the first 48 h of UA (n = 12). Results: PTCA induced a marked up-regulation of CD18, CD11b, CD14 and GPIIb / IIIa with L-selectin shedding and reduced SO formation, only only minor L-selectin down- regu However, a significant decrease in neutrophil count in the CS compared to the Ao was only observed in UA. Conclusions: The magnitude of cellular activation depends on the underlying clinical setting and just partially contributes to cell adhesion to the endothelium which might be modulated by different extent of vascular occlusion and shear forces.
患者女性,54岁。1998年9月因胸闷,心悸6年来院就诊,诊断为病态窦房结综合征,行双腔起搏器植入。起搏器型号为Biotronik Actors D,心房导线型号PX53-JUP,心室导线型号PX60-UP,当时心房导线采用右锁骨下静脉穿刺植入,心室导线采用右头静脉径路,术中测试心房起搏阈值0.4V、电流0.7mA。
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