Shaking Table Test Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Bridge Foundation Reinforcement on Slopes

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong525
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With the fast development of bridge construction in mountainous and seismic areas,it is necessary to conduct related research. Based on the design of a shaking table model test,here are the following test results: the filtering effect exists in soil and is affected by the dynamic constraint conditions,the amplitude is strengthened around the natural frequency and weakened in other frequency bands in the Fourier spectrum. Since the acceleration scaling effect occurred on a sloped surface,the acceleration response decreases from the outside to the inside in soil. The dynamic response is relatively strong near the slip surface in bedrock due to the reflection of seismic waves. The failure mode of landslide is decided by the slope angle and slipping mass distribution, and the test shows the front row stabilizing piles should keep a proper distance from bridge foundation so that seismic resistance can be guaranteed for the bridge foundation. With the fast development of bridge construction in mountainous and seismic areas, it is necessary to conduct related research. Based on the design of a shaking table model test, here are the following test results: the filtering effect exists in soil and is affected by the dynamic constraint conditions, the amplitude is intens around the natural frequency and weakened in other frequency bands in the sloped surface. The dynamic response conditions from the outside to the inside in soil. The dynamic response is relatively strong near the slip surface in bedrock due to the reflection of seismic waves. The failure mode of landslide is decided by the slope angle and slipping mass distribution, and the test shows the front row stabilizing piles should keep a proper distance from bridge foundation so that seismic resistance can be guaranteed for the bridge foundation.
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一马克思哲学与意识形态问题值得认真对待。多年以来 ,马克思主义哲学一直担当着政治意识形态诠释者的角色与功能 ,事实上 ,与意识形态的这种关系也关涉着马哲学科的市场资源
 随着 2 0世纪 6 0年代之后出生的学人浮出水面 ,一种比较纯粹的学院派的马克思主义哲学研究范式开始形成。这样说 ,当然无意否认此前研究的学术性 ,特别是无意否认前辈学者