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尊敬的各位同仁:十八大吹响了实现“中国梦”的号角,医疗卫生体制改革渐入深水区。作为医疗团队中重要的一员,药师的角色该如何定位、药师的工作该如何转变、药师的技能如何快速提升、药师应该承担哪些社会责任,将是药师面临的现实问题。江苏药师周已成功举办13届,是江苏省药学会致力为广大药师打造的成果展示平台、学习交流平台、新思维及新方法共享平台。本届药师周,以“药师的担当”为主题,分基础研究、药学监护、慢病管理、药师献言等版块进行讨论,诚邀广大药师共同参与,把你们在实践工作中的真知灼见带到这个平台上,与同行们一起分享。 Dear Colleagues, The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China sounded the horn of “China Dream”, and the medical and health system reform gradually entered the deep water area. As an important member of the medical team, how to position the role of the pharmacist, how to change the work of the pharmacist, how to rapidly improve the skills of the pharmacist, and which social responsibilities the pharmacist should undertake will be a real problem for pharmacists. Jiangsu Pharmacist Week has successfully held the thirteenth session of the Jiangsu Provincial Pharmaceutical Association is dedicated to creating the majority of pharmacists to create the results of the platform to learn to exchange platform, new ideas and new ways to share platform. The current pharmacist week, with “pharmacist's play ” as the theme, divided into basic research, pharmacy care, chronic disease management, pharmacists and other forums to discuss, inviting the majority of pharmacists to participate in, in your practical work insights Take to this platform and share with your peers.
人的一生不干成几件像样的事,活着还有什么意义。耐得寂寞,经得住诱惑,坚持干自己喜欢的事业,这就是他成功的“真经”。 What’s the point of living if you do not get a
专家说意外伤害已是14岁以下儿童的第一死因未成年人更需要呵护与关爱积极培养孩子们的自我保护能力。 Experts say accidental injury is the first death of children und
心房利钠肽是一组激素,在上世纪80年代早期发 现于心房乳头肌上,它们作用于平滑肌,在肾脏有舒张血管、利尿排钠的作用。利钠肽系统至少包括三种肽 Atrial natriuretic pept
The ultrafine particles of a new style Fe-Cu-based catalysts for CO hydrogenation were prepared by impregnating the organic sol of Fe(OH)_3 and Cu(OH)_2 onto th