
来源 :实用临床医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:samhsa
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目的分析不同孕周早发型重度子间前期发病母婴结局。方法对64例早发型重度子间前期病例根据其孕周分为A组(孕期<28周)、B组(28周≤孕期<32周)、C组(32周≤孕期<34周)。比较3组间孕妇终止妊娠和保守治疗时间、并发症发生情况、围生儿存活情况、孕妇死亡情况及分娩方式。结果 3组间终止妊娠时间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);B组保守治疗时间与A、C 2组比较,A组并发症发生率与B、C 2组比较差异的有统计学意义(P<0.05);A组胎儿生长受限和胎儿窘迫发生率与C组比较、B组胎儿生长受限发生率与C组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);3组孕妇死亡率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论早发型重度子间前期孕妇并发症多,围生儿死亡率高,且孕周越小发生率越高,在保证孕妇安全下可保守治疗适当延长胎龄,以期尽量使胎儿成熟,提高新生儿存活率。 Objective To analyze the relationship between premature onset and early onset of severe neonatal maternal and infant outcomes in different gestation weeks. Methods Sixty-four cases of early-onset severe pre-MI were divided into group A (gestational age <28 weeks), group B (28 weeks ≤ gestational age <32 weeks) and group C (32 weeks ≤ gestational age <34 weeks). The termination of pregnancy and conservative treatment time, complication, perinatal survival, maternal mortality and delivery mode were compared between the three groups. Results There was significant difference in the time of termination of pregnancy between the three groups (P <0.05). Compared with group A and group C, the conservative treatment time in group B was significantly lower than that in group B and group C (P <0.05). The incidence of fetal growth restriction and fetal distress in group A was significantly higher than that in group C (P <0.05). The incidence of fetal growth restriction in group B was significantly different from that in group C (P <0.05) There was no significant difference in mortality (P> 0.05). Conclusion Early onset severe inter-pre-pregnant women with multiple complications, high perinatal mortality, and the smaller the gestational age the higher the incidence, in ensuring the safety of pregnant women can be conservative treatment of appropriate extension of gestational age in order to try to make the fetus mature and improve freshmen Survival rate of children.
文章对内蒙古通辽市科左中旗水利信息化建设的必要性、建设情况、存在问题及对策进行了分析阐述。 The paper analyzes the necessity, construction, existing problems an
目的了解新疆东、北疆地区医务人员AFP监测知识掌握情况,同时评估培训效果。方法对参加培训的人员进行培训前后的AFP监测知识测试。结果 312名医务人员参加了培训前后AFP监测
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目的分析新疆阿勒泰地区世行贷款/英国赠款中国结核病控制项目取得的成效。方法根据2002年10月8日—2010年12月31日项目季报表及有关资料,确诊活动性肺结核患者6 229例,利用
目的查找罗山县某中学一起痢疾爆发流行原因及病原体类型,配合临床合理有效用药。方法实验室病原菌株培养分离与鉴定和药敏实验。结果 61人中检出福氏痢疾杆菌X变种带菌者20
AIM: To conduct the first systematic test of the hypothesis that modulation of cardiac vagal tone is impaired in Lyme disease.METHODS: The response of cardiac v