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一、总体思路和工作目标2014年是我省“深化改革年”和“科学管理年”。全省教研系统将根据省教育厅部署,紧紧围绕一个中心,做好两类服务,实现三方面目标。对已有工作项目进行充分整合,适当减少工作项目,围绕教育综合改革中心工作立项实施部分重点工作和开展制度建设。(一)围绕一个中心围绕一个中心,即围绕我省实施的教育领域综合改革这个中心。以改革总揽全局,深入贯彻党的十八届三中全会及省委六届五次全会精神,用改革的思路和办法破解我们工作中 First, the general idea and work objectives 2014 is the province “year of deepening reform ” and “year of scientific management ”. The provincial teaching and research system will be based on the deployment of the provincial Department of Education, closely around a center, do two types of services, to achieve the three goals. Fully integrate the existing work items, appropriately reduce the number of work items, focus on the implementation of some key tasks and carry out system construction around the work of the Center for Educational Comprehensive Reform. 1. Centering on a center around a center, that is, the center of comprehensive reform in the field of education that is implemented in our province. Take the overall situation of reform as a whole, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the 5th Plenary Session of the 6th CPC Central Committee, and use the ideas and methods of reform to crack down on our work
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目的建立发热伴血小板减少综合征布尼亚病毒(severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome bunyavirus,SFTSV)糖蛋白抗原(Gn)的定量双抗体夹心ELISA检测方法,并进行验证,以
A biaxial stretching equipment was designed and constructed to enable fundamental studies of the relationship between film processing conditions and structures
不愿去幼儿园    辉辉妈妈:我家孩子没上幼儿园时,特别向往上幼儿园。可真正开始上幼儿园后根本不是那么回事,几乎每天醒来睁开眼睛就说:“妈妈,我不要上幼儿园。”我询问原因,而他的回答每天都不一样:“小朋友不喜欢我。”“我没有好朋友。…‘老师训我”……我觉得可能是老师不关注他引起的。说实在的,我几乎都想打退堂鼓了,但不上幼儿园又不行,怎么办呢?    经验妈妈支招  ●耐心与孩子沟通,了解原因。孩子