Design of the Transmission Lines for 140 GHz ECRH System on HL-2A

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shenyunyong
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A new 140 GHz/2 MW/3 s electron cyclotron resonance heating(ECRH)system composed of two units is now being constructed on HL-2A.As a part of the system,two transmission lines marked No.7&8 play the role of carrying microwave power from two gyrotrons to the tokamak port.Based on the oversized circular corrugated waveguide technology,an evacuated transmission system with high power capability and high transmission efficiency is designed.Details are presented for the design of the corrugated waveguide,the layout of the proposed lines and the vacuum pumping system.Then mode conversion losses due to coupling,misalignment,bends and gaps are discussed to serve as a reference for analyzing the transmission efficiency and alignment.Finally,a dual-modes propagation case consisting of the HEn and LPn even modes is discussed A new 140 GHz / 2 MW / 3 s electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) system composed of two units is now being constructed on HL-2A.As a part of the system, two transmission lines marked No.7 & 8 play the role of carrying microwave power from two gyrotrons to the tokamak port. Based on the oversized circular corrugated waveguide technology, an evacuated transmission system with high power capability and high transmission efficiency is designed. Detailed is presented for the design of the corrugated waveguide, the layout of the proposed lines and the vacuum pumping system. Chen mode conversion due due to coupling, misalignment, bends and gaps are discussed to serve as a reference for analyzing the transmission efficiency and alignment. Finally, a dual-modes propagation case consisting of the HEn and LPn even modes is discussed
IEC 61435:2013(E)适用于γ射线和X射线的辐射探测器用高纯度锗晶体。这种锗是单晶,其净浓度为电活性杂质中心点小于10~(11)/cm~3。本国际标准规定了测定高纯度锗晶体基本特
与其他“敏感人物”不同,基洛夫真正“成名”是,因为他的死。 即便在今天的苏共党史或现代史著作及教科书中,1934年12月1日前,对堂堂联共(布)中央政治局委员、中央书记、列
在征求了中国社会科学院部分专家、学者意见的基础上,新华通讯社评出20世纪对世界产生深远影响的十件大事。这十件大事是: On the basis of the opinions of some experts