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Security is a key problem for the development of Cloud Computing. A common service security architecture is a basic abstract to support security research work. The authorization ability in the service security faces more complex and variable users and environment. Based on the multidimensional views, the service security architecture is described on three dimensions of service security requirement integrating security attributes and service layers. An attribute-based dynamic access control model is presented to detail the relationships among subjects, objects, roles, attributes, context and extra factors further. The model uses dynamic control policies to support the multiple roles and flexible authority. At last, access control and policies execution mechanism were studied as the implementation suggestion. Security is a key problem for the development of Cloud Computing. A common service security architecture is a basic abstract to support security research work. The authorization ability in the service security faces more complex and variable users and environment. Based on the multidimensional views, the service security architecture is described on three dimensions of service security security requirement integrating security attributes and service layers. Anatistive-based dynamic access control model is presented to detail the relationships among subjects, objects, roles, attributes, context and extra factors further. uses dynamic control policies to support the multiple roles and flexible authority. At last, access control and policies execution mechanism were studied as the implementation suggestion.
AIM:To examine effects of chronic methadone usage on bowel visualization,preparation,and repeat colonoscopy.METHODS:In-patient colonoscopy reports from October,
一、教学目标知识与技能:1. 了解键盘的五个分区。2. 掌握主键盘区字母键、数字键、符号键的名称和分布规律。3. 掌握主键盘区中部分特殊控制键的作用及使用方法。过程与方法
目的探讨重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)个体化综合治疗的临床意义。方法对我院2009年1月—2011年12月诊治的36例SAP患者进行回顾分析。结果 31例好转或治愈出院,3例转外科手术治疗,2例