,Variational Path-Integral Study on Bound Polarons in Parabolic Quantum Dots and Wires

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thangna9806
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The expression of the ground-state energy of an electron coupled simultaneously with a Coulomb potential and a longitudinal-optical phonon field in parabolic quantum dots and wires is derived within the framework of Feynman variational path-integral theory. We obtain a general result with arbitrary electron-phonon coupling constant,Coulomb binding parameters, and confining potential strength, which could be used for further numerical calculation of polaron properties. Moreover, it is shown that all the previous path-integral formulae for free polarons,bound polarons, and polarons confined in parabolic quantum dots and wires can be recovered in the present formalism.
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