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【搜狐IT消息】3月5日消息,据The Register报道,在提交申请近一年后,今天美国专利和商标局(USPTO)终于授予苹果一个新的“消费电子产品”专利,该专利的描述为“用曲面屏幕完全覆盖住设备”。该站在去年3月曾报道过苹果正在申请一个编号为20130076612的专利,该专利的描述为“配备柔性AMOLED屏幕,拥有透明玻璃 Sohu IT News March 5, according to The Register reported that after the submission of applications for nearly a year, today the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) finally granted Apple a new ”consumer electronics“ patents, the patent The description is ”Cover the device completely with the curved screen “. The station reported in March last year that Apple is applying for a patent No. 20130076612, the patent described as ”equipped with a flexible AMOLED screen, with a transparent glass
Using the particle-number-conserving method we show that the observed downtu of J(2) of the superdeformed band 194Hg(1) can be satisfactorily accounted for, pro
The Gaussian model on Sierpinski carpets with two types of nearest neighbour interactions K and Kw and two corresponding types of the Gaussian distribution cons
An all-fibre dynamic gain equalizer based on a novel long-period fibre grating (LPFG) written on a photosensitive fibre by high-frequency CO2 laser pulses is de
Energy losses of 0.63-1.03 MeV/atom Sin (n ≤ 3) clusters in thin carbon films (2-12μg/cm2) have been measuredby using a special experimental set-up with the R
The optical waveguide was formed on an LiNbO3 substrate by 2.6 MeV nickel ions implantation to the dose of 9 × 1014 ions/cm2. Five dark modes were observed by
Nanometre boron nitride (BN) thin films with various thickness (54-135 nm) were prepared on Si(100) by rf magnetic sputtering physical vapour deposition. The fi
CA19 9是一种胃肠道的肿瘤相关抗原 ,由糖链乳酸 N 岩澡戊糖唾液酸联结构成 ,分子量为300~500万[1]。临床研究显示CA19 9与胰腺癌的关系最为密切 ,与胆囊癌、胆管癌、胃癌、结直肠癌也有一定的相
Using a two-orbital DE model including the Coulomb interaction, we show that the charge-orbital ordering usuallyfound in the charge-exchange phase may exist in