
来源 :沙棘 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kikox3
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沙棘是一个适生范围很广的树种,果、皮、叶的提炼加工产品,广泛应用于保健、医疗领域.长期以来,由于沙棘资源的开发、管理及其加工利用等各方面关系没有理顺,存在着只抓利用不管发展,加工经营多头管理等问题。林业部开展三北防护林建设,结合水土保持林的建设,营造了大量的沙棘,沙棘的知名度才逐步提高.最近林业部正式成立了沙棘管理办公室,我厅开始重视沙棘的资源开发利用工作. 1 分布与产量:全省沙棘主要是天然林,个别地方也在试验性栽植,造林面积很少.天然林的分布主要集中在阿坝、甘孜两个自治州,另外,在凉山州、雅安地区和广元、绵阳、德阳、成都市有少部分零垦分布。初步统计,全省沙棘总面积2. 7万hm~2,根据阿坝等县产果量进行预测,预计年产果2300万kg。 2 加工开发和经营情况:我省从事沙棘加工开发的部门有中科院生物所、轻工、水利、林业等行业。 Seabuckthorn is a well-adapted range of tree species, fruit, skin, leaf extraction and processing products, are widely used in health care, medical field .For a long time, due to the development of seabuckthorn resources, management and processing, and other aspects of the relationship did not straighten out , There is only grasping the use of regardless of the development, processing and other long management issues. Forestry Department to carry out the construction of the Three North Shelterbelt, with the construction of soil and water conservation forests, creating a large number of seabuckthorn, seabuckthorn’s visibility was gradually increased recently Ministry of Forestry formally established a seabuckthorn management office, our office began to attach importance to the development and utilization of seabuckthorn resources. Distribution and Yield: The seabuckthorn in the province is mainly natural forest, and some places are also tentatively planted with few afforestation areas. The distribution of natural forests is mainly concentrated in two autonomous prefectures of Aba and Ganzi. In addition, in Liangshan Prefecture, Ya’an Prefecture and Guangyuan County, Mianyang, Deyang, Chengdu, a small part of zero Ken distribution. According to preliminary statistics, the total area of ​​seabuckthorn in the whole province is 27,000 hm ~ 2. According to the yield of fruit produced in Aba county, it is predicted that the output will reach 23 million kg per annum. 2 processing and development and management: Seabuckthorn processing and development departments in our province are Institute of Biology, light industry, water conservancy, forestry and other industries.
在和平时间,人们感慨: 没有什么比体育竞赛更能唤起人们的归宿感,没有什么比国际体育大赛更能燃起爱国主义的热情 In peacetime, people feel that there is nothing that
人教版高级中学课本《语文》第二册(1998年6月第3版)《过万重山漫想》一文中有这么一句: “人类的历史,对于我本来如同远在云天之上、不可端睨的飞鸟,此时忽如栖落在手指上,