
来源 :山东教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simonhill
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虽然这是一所中专学校,校园没有大学的宽敞,但一样洋溢着青春的气息。学生大部分是各所中学的佼佼者,然而朝气有余,沉稳不足,只是有待时间的历练而已。这是个气候宜人的晚春,一切都生机盎然。篮球场东边的走廊里,常青藤纠缠着水泥立柱,紧紧依偎,它盘曲的枝干上伸展的枝叶里,还隐约可见败落的花托,却早已不见了那紫艳的花朵。谁见了常开的花,如同转瞬即逝的青春年华?有两个女生背靠背坐在藤蔓下乘凉,时而交谈几句,时而沉默不语,那个长发女孩不时地看向校门处,她是否在等谁?校门西南方不远是花房,是同学 Although this is a secondary school, campus is not spacious, but equally filled with youthful atmosphere. Most of the students are outstanding in all secondary schools, but they are more energetic and less steady, and they are only subject to the experience of time. This is a pleasant spring evening, everything is full of vitality. In the corridor to the east of the basketball court, the ivy tangled with concrete columns tightly cling to the branches and leaves on the winding branches. There are also vaguely-diminished torches, but the purple flowers have long disappeared. Who see the flowers often open, as fleeting youth? There are two girls back to back sitting in the vine shade, and sometimes talk a few words, sometimes silent, that girl from time to time to see the long hair, she is Who are you waiting for? The school southwest is not far from the greenhouse, is a classmate
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几岁是生命中最好的年龄呢?某电视台节目主持人向观众提问。  一个小女孩说:“2个月,因为你会被抱着走,你会得到很多的爱与照顾。”  另一个小孩回答说:“3岁,因为不用去上学,没有家庭作业,你可以做几乎所有想做的事,也可以不停地玩耍。”  一个少年说:“18岁,因为已经成年了,可以开车去任何想去的地方。”  一个男人回答说:“25岁,因为你有较多的活力。”这个男人已43岁了,他说自己现在越来越没有体
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编者推荐:情真意切的句子是“我喊了一声‘爸’,接着就哭了,父亲走过来抱着我,弟弟也哭着走过来钻进父亲的怀抱”——独特而又真实。此文可变格用于“亲情”的话题作文。 Ed
At the Wangjing judicial office in Chaoyang District in Beijing, there i are eight gratitude banners hang-Aing on the wall. On every banner, people can find a n
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天才在于勤奋,学习在于坚持,生命在于运动,读书在于专一。岁月无情,人生有限。谁的时间与精力都不可能无限多,如果真要说多,那也只是相对而言,真正算来,都可以用一个确 Geni