敢于担当 勇于创新 不辱使命

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习近平总书记“2·19”重要讲话,从党和国家事业发展全局和战略高度,深刻阐述了党的新闻舆论工作的历史地位和重大作用,阐明了党的新闻舆论工作的职责使命、目标任务和原则要求,为我们做好新形势下党的新闻舆论工作指明了根本方向和重要遵循。本文结合新疆新闻出版广播影视工作实际,从四个方面分析阐述如何学习贯彻总书记重要讲话精神。一、坚持党性原则,坚持马克思主义新闻观、坚持正确舆论导向、坚持正面宣传为主。二、坚持改革创新,通过创作多语种影视精品节目和出版物不断提高服务大局、服务人民的能力和水平。三、坚持加强国际传播能力建设,讲好新疆故事、传播好新疆声音,不断提高党的新闻舆论传播力、引导力、影响力、公信力。四、坚持全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,不断巩固和提升公共服务体系建设。 General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important speech on the overall situation and strategic level of the development of the cause of the party and the state and profoundly expounded the historical role and important role of the party’s news media and clarified the mission of the party’s press and public opinion. Objectives, tasks and principles and requirements, which set out the fundamental direction and important follow-ups for our party’s public opinion work in the new situation. In this paper, Xinjiang press and publication radio and television work reality, from four aspects analysis of how to learn and implement the spirit of the important speech of the General Secretary. First, adhere to the principle of party spirit, adhere to the Marxist press concept, uphold the correct direction of public opinion, and uphold the principle of positive publicity. Second, adhere to the reform and innovation, through the creation of multi-lingual film and television quality programs and publications continue to improve the overall service and serve the people’s ability and level. Third, we must continue to strengthen the building of an international communication capacity, make a good story of Xinjiang, spread the voice of Xinjiang well, and constantly improve the dissemination, guidance, influence and credibility of the party’s news media. Fourth, adhere to the principle of serving the people wholeheartedly, and constantly consolidate and enhance the construction of public service system.
题记 信息化是音符,是旭日东升的交响,是拥护太阳的梦想;信息化是速度,是经三路的车流,是宽带的快捷;信息化是自由与畅通,是发挥潜力和孕育未来的科技资讯和商机。 我们的目
深圳供电局简介: 深圳供电局成立于1979年8月,目前已从当初的县级供电所发展成为今天的大型供电企业,在广东省21个地级电力(供电)局中居第2位(年供电量和系统容量),担负着深