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冬季,很多怕冷的人都有使用电热毯的习惯。其实,电热毯使用不当会诱发多种疾病。1电热毯病该病主要表现为咽痛,鼻衄,口干舌燥,大便秘结,小便少而黄等。这是因为长时间开着电热毯,人体经过一整夜加热,皮肤毛细血管扩张,体内水分和电解质丢失量明显增加所致。2皮炎有些人用了电热毯以后,全身会出现针尖大小的丘疹。丘疹多开始于接触电热毯的背部、臀部及大腿后侧,然后逐渐蔓延至全身。患者自觉瘙痒难忍,彻夜难眠,影响休息和工作。这种情况多发于年老体弱者,过敏体质者,糖尿病肾病和肝胆胃肠疾病患者。这是因为电热毯持 In winter, many people who are afraid of cold have the habit of using electric blankets. In fact, improper use of electric blanket will induce a variety of diseases. 1 blanket disease The disease mainly for sore throat, epistaxis, dry mouth, constipation, urine and yellow and so on. This is because the open electric blanket for a long time, the body after a night of heating, skin telangiectasia, the body of water and electrolyte loss caused by a significant increase. 2 dermatitis Some people use the electric blanket, the body will appear needle-sized papules. Pimples often begin to touch the back of the blanket, the back of the hips, and thighs, then spread throughout the body. Patients feel itchy unbearable, sleepless nights, affecting rest and work. This situation occurs in the elderly and infirm, allergies, diabetic nephropathy and liver and gallbladder gastrointestinal diseases. This is because the electric blanket holding
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From ancient times to the present, Jiangnan (the region south of the Yangtze River) has been the breeding ground for great talents. While visitors are enchante
钢筋、水泥、石子、砖头…… 3月3日,安南强公司办公楼右边的建筑工地上,施工人员正在紧张地忙碌着,公司总经理陈锡柳介绍,这里正准备盖一栋七层高的研发楼。 Reinforcemen
1993年国家自然科学基金资助项目一览表(地球科学部)1993年国家自然科学基金资助项目一览表(地球科学部)... National Natural Science Foundation of China in 1993 (Earth Science