勇担社会责任 同心共筑三农梦 转变我国农业生产方式 引导农民用好肥好药好膜——中农集团新型农业社会化服务纪实

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化肥、农药和农膜是重要的农业生产资料,为我国农业发展、农民增收立下了汗马功劳。同时,由于长期掠夺性经营,我国的农业生态环境已经濒临上限。不合理施肥,高残留、剧毒农药,农膜滥用等造成的污染已经严重影响我国农业现代化的发展进程。如何破局,成为业内讨论的焦点。2013年中央一号文件提出,“建设中国特色现代农业,必须建立完善的农业社会化服务体系。”“加快构建公益性服务与经营性服务相结合、专项服务与综合服务相协调的新型农业社会化服务体系。”在国家政策的指引下,中华全国供销合作总社联合国家农发办共同启动了新型农业社会化服务体系试点的创建与推广工作。作为国家提供为农服务的中坚力量,中农集团力争成为构建新型农业社会化服务体系的先行者。中农集团新型农业社会化服务体系试点项目(有机肥生产推广、低残留农药生产推广、高标准农膜推广使用和残旧农膜回收利用)自2014年下半年实施以来,在全国各地均取得不俗成绩。记者来到河南省汝南县和内蒙古赤峰市,针对以上项目的实施情况进行实地走访。 Fertilizers, pesticides and plastic sheeting are important agricultural means of production. They have made a lot of contributions to our country’s agricultural development and farmers’ income increase. At the same time, due to the long-term predatory management, the agro-ecological environment of our country is on the verge of the upper limit. The pollution caused by irrational fertilization, high residue, highly toxic pesticides and the abuse of plastic sheeting have seriously affected the development of China’s agricultural modernization. How to break the game, become the focus of discussion in the industry. In 2013, the document No. 1 of the Central Government put forward: “To build modern agriculture with Chinese characteristics, we must establish a sound socialized service system for agriculture.” “Speed ​​up the construction of a combination of public service and business services, and coordinate special services with comprehensive services New Agricultural Social Service System. ”Under the guidance of the national policy, the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and the UN’s National Agricultural Development Office jointly launched the creation and promotion of a pilot project of a new type of agricultural socialization service. As the backbone for the state to provide services for the peasants, the Zhongnong Group strives to be the forerunner in building a new system of agricultural social service. The pilot projects of the new agricultural socialization service system (promotion of organic fertilizer production, promotion and production of low-residue pesticides, promotion and use of high-standard agricultural plastic sheets, and recycling and reuse of old agricultural plastic sheets) of the new agricultural socialization service system of the Zhongnong Group have been implemented in all parts of the country since the implementation in the second half of 2014 Popular grades. The reporter went to Runan County of Henan Province and Chifeng City of Inner Mongolia to conduct site visits in response to the implementation of the above projects.
关于电路的状态,现行初中物理教材中介绍了通路、开路和短路,然而对电路的另一种情况——“短接”则没有提到,教师在讲授“电路”一节时应及时补充这一概念.其理由有二: Reg
例1:一只打足气的轮胎的体积约0.1米~3.重约30牛.若将一重1600牛的物体放在轮胎上面,再放入水中.物体是浮在水面还是沉入水底?分析:本题许多学生产生了这样的错误. Example
例1 如图1甲所示,重1.96牛的物体 B叠放在重3.92牛的硬木块 A 上,且硬木块 A刚好全部浸没于水中.(1)求:硬木块 A 的体积 Example 1 As shown in Figure 1A, an object B we
在数学中,有个重要命题:已知 a>0,b>0,如 x=a+b 为定值,那么当 a=b 时,y=a·b 的值最大. In mathematics, there is an important proposition: we know a>0, b>0, if x=a+
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在所有模仿乔布斯的中国人之中,雷军和贾跃亭最为出名,现在他们的公司打起了“嘴仗”。起因是智能电视市场的争夺,而这恰好是乔布斯生前缺乏热情的产品。如果说做手机是形似“乔帮主”,那么现在的中国模仿者连这个“形”都不要了。  就产品本身而言,智能电视迥异于手机,更新周期长,一点都不适合于搞“粉丝经济”。同时,在产业链上,传统厂商的话语权远超过小米、乐视这样的后来者,后来者想重复之前整合手机产业链的老路恐