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施行校长负责制,李瑞环市长讲:一要大胆试点;二要采取稳步,稳定、稳妥的“三稳”方针。他讲要靠国家来逐步解决中小学教师待遇问题,不能靠学校自己创收,他没有讲要砸碎教师的“铁饭碗”、实行结构工资以及把竞争机制引入中小学。他提到中小学也有个优化组合问题,但没有展开。天滓市开展校长负责制试点,有两个方案:第一方案是包括劳动人事改革在内的整体改革试点方案,这个方案同北京的差不多,搞这样试点的只有两所中学、七所小学、一所职校。第二方案是不施行结构工资,按北京说法,就是档案工资不动,把包干结余奖(全年180元)和学校创收能用于教职工奖金的部分(将近校办厂利润的百分之三十)用来 The implementation of the principal responsibility system, Mayor Li Ruihuan said: First, we should boldly pilot; Second, we must adopt a steady, stable and secure “three steady” approach. He said that it is up to the state to gradually solve the problem of the treatment of primary and secondary school teachers. We can not rely on the schools themselves to make their own income. He did not say “iron rice bowl” to smash teachers, introduce structural wage and introduce competition mechanism into primary and secondary schools. He mentioned that there are also optimization problems in primary and secondary schools, but they did not start. There are two schemes for the trial of principals in Tianz City. The first scheme is a pilot scheme for overall reform including labor and personnel reform. This scheme is similar to that in Beijing. Only two middle schools and seven primary schools are engaged in such experiments. A vocational school. The second option is not to impose a structural wage. According to Beijing’s argument, that is, the wage of a file is not fixed. The package surplus (180 yuan for the whole year) and the part of the school’s income that can be used for teaching staff’s bonus Thirty) Used
获得性抗Lewis ̄a抗体致溶血性贫血1例上海浦东新区人民医院石正蒙上海第二医科大学附属仁济医院欧阳仁荣,方智雯,韩洁英,赵劲秋Lewis血型并不少见,是一种天然凝集素,具有冷抗体性质,有结合补体的
患者 男,67岁。冠心病史10余年,胸闷、气短4天于1993年4月30日就诊。心电图Ⅲ、V_4、V_5为连续描记,附图示心房颤动,R-R间距绝对不整,QRS波大致可分为两种形态。 Patient m
对超声诊断肝脏妊娠1例分析如下。1病历摘要女,35岁。已产3胎,现停经103 d。清晨起床后突然出现下腹部剧烈疼痛,伴有头晕、恶心、全身出冷汗,疼痛呈持续性并进行性加重,以下