
来源 :中学生英语·阅读与写作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:changlang0p
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  My Little Dog Can’t Read 我的狗不识字
  Mrs. Brown: Oh, my dear, I have lost my
  precious little dog!
  Mrs. Smith: But you should put an advertisement in the papers!
  Mrs. Brown: It’s no use. My little dog
  can’t read.
  布朗夫人: 哦,亲爱的,我把珍爱的小狗
  史密斯夫人: 可是你该在报纸上登广
  布朗夫人: 没有用的。我的小狗不识
  Two Birds 两只鸟
  Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, the other is a sparrow. Now who can tell us which is which?
  Student: I cannot point out but I know the answer.
  Teacher: Please tell us.
  Student: The swallow is beside the sparrow and
  the sparrow is beside the swallow.
  老师: 这儿有两只鸟,一只是麻雀,一只是
  燕子。谁能 指出哪只是燕子,哪
  学生: 我分辨不出,但我知道答案。
  老师: 请说说看。
  学生: 燕子旁边的就是麻雀,麻雀旁
  John: Was the horse-riding interesting yesterday?
  Tom: Good, my horse was very polite.
  John: Polite?
  Tom: Yes, it let me go past the paling first.
  约翰: 昨天骑马有意思吗?
  汤姆: 不错,问题是我的马太有礼貌了。
  约翰: 太有礼貌了?
  汤姆: 是的。当我们骑到一个栅栏时,它让我先过去了。
  On a crowded bus, a boy has a running nose all the time. An old woman opposite asks him, “Do you have a handkerchief?
  “Yes, why?”he shouts angrily, “but I won’t lend it to you.”
  “有,怎么样?”他生气地对她叫嚷, “我不会借给你的!”
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I am a middle school student and my school life is colourful. As a student, I know I should try my best to study hard and make progress every day. So I listen t
【阅读理解分类练习参考答案】  应用文: passage 1 1~5 BACCA passage 2 1~5 ABCBC  说明文: passage 1 1~5 BADCD passage 2 1~5 ADCBC  记叙文: passage 1 1~5 CACBA passage 2 1~5 BADCB  议论文: passage 1 1~5 DBABC passage 2 1~5 CCAAB  
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The first of April is commonly known as April Fools’ Day and it is customarily1 on this day to play a trick on a friend. You can do this by making your friend believe something that isn’t true, or by
一  六年级的时候,蚂蚁和我同校,他在一班,我在三班。到了初中,居然和蚂蚁分在一个班,但我们彼此还很陌生。  在领新书的时候,我无意中走过蚂蚁身边,竟听到他低声叫我的名字。我奇怪地转身看他。  也许,这就算认识了吧?    二  和同桌萍、和蚂蚁逐渐熟悉起来后,才隐约听说,萍曾和蚂蚁是同一个班的。又不知是谁添油加醋,传到我耳里,就成了“蚂蚁喜欢萍”。  我既好笑又失望,原来初中和小学一样流言蜚语总