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首钢总公司第三炼钢厂精炼设备LF炉近日投入使用。由此,他们生产的钢水杂质将减少50%,轧制出的钢材质量明显提高,同时也标志着首钢开始从生产普碳钢向生产优质钢转移。炉外精炼使钢水质地纯洁精良。目前全世界共有炉外精炼设备200多座,处理钢水占总钢产量的80% Shougang Corporation’s third steel refining plant LF furnace recently put into use. As a result, their production of molten steel will be reduced by 50%, and the quality of the rolled steel will be significantly improved. At the same time, it will mark the beginning of Shougang’s shift from the production of general carbon steel to the production of high quality steel. Out of furnace refining the quality of molten steel sophisticated. At present, there are more than 200 furnace refining equipment in the world, and the treated molten steel accounts for 80% of the total steel output.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
患者,男,10岁。1971年5月下旬,患者发现右侧面部长一黄豆大肿物,无痛。经消炎治疗无好转,七月中旬发现似较前增大,遂来院治疗。 查体:体温36.4℃,脉搏96次,血压110/60。发育
作者根据颌面损伤的病因学因素,患者年龄,颌骨骨折的特点及部位,求治时间及治疗方法等进行了分析。 The author analyzed the etiological factors of maxillofacial injur
本文证明了Metronidazole对于预防常规拔牙术后干槽症的发生是有效的,它抑制了在干槽症的发生中起重要作用的厌氧菌。干槽症的病因提法很多,尚无定论。 This paper demonst
Twenty cases of pulmonary infections in chroniccor pulmonale treated with medemycin intraveno-usly were reported. Medemycin was administeredonce a day with a d