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今年以来,全国工业生产形势总的来讲是比较好的。但是,目前全国预算内国营工业企业的扭亏工作进展不快,同国家提出的扭亏要求相比,仍存在着不小的差距。对此必须引起我们的重视,下决心解决好这一关系全局的大问题。为了尽快扭转企业的亏损,财政部、国家经委联合下达了工业企业扭转亏损的指令性指标,要求全国工业部门的亏损企业今年的亏损额比去年减少32.1%;石油、化工部门年内要消灭亏损,绝大部分省、市、自治区工业亏损企业今年的亏损额要比去年减少30%到40%。各地区、各部门必须按照这一要求,部署今后的工作。从全国来说,各地区扭亏增盈工作发展是不平衡的。今年1至8月与去年同期相比,亏损额下降40%以上的只有晋、甘、吉、陕四省,下降40%以下、30%以上的有沪、赣、鲁、辽、冀、豫等六省、市。值得注意的是,有的地区亏损额非但没有减少,反而又有增加。当前,工业企业扭亏进展不快,其原因是多方面的。我们有些同志往往用客观原因来掩 This year, the overall industrial production situation in the country is relatively good. However, the current state-owned industrial enterprises in the national budget have not made rapid progress in turning deficits. Compared with the country’s demand for losses, there is still a significant gap. This must arouse our attention and resolve to solve the big problem of the overall situation. In order to reverse the company’s losses as quickly as possible, the Ministry of Finance and the State Economic Commission jointly issued a mandatory index for industrial enterprises to reverse losses, requiring loss-making enterprises in the industrial sector of the country to reduce losses by 32.1% this year compared with last year; the petroleum and chemical industries should eliminate losses during the year. Most industrial loss-making enterprises in provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions have lost 30% to 40% of their losses this year. All regions and departments must follow this requirement and deploy future work. As far as the whole country is concerned, the development of turning losses into profits in various regions is unbalanced. From January to August this year, compared with the same period of last year, only four provinces of Shanxi, Gansu, Jilin and Shaanxi lost 40% or more of their losses, and they have fallen by less than 40% and more than 30% in Shanghai, Fujian, Shandong, Liaoning, Hebei and Henan. Wait for six provinces and cities. It is worth noting that in some areas, the amount of losses not only did not decrease, but also increased. At present, industrial enterprises have not made rapid progress in turning losses. The reasons are many. Some of our comrades often use objective reasons to cover up
日立公司的研究工作者在日本化学会上公开了称为碳化硅的新材料。该材料可大大改善计算机的效率,在日、美技术竞争中将引起轰动。 Hitachi’s researchers disclosed a new