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石家庄东方家政中等专业学校是一所民办职业学校,位于河北省省会石家庄市正西16公里的鹿泉市白鹿泉乡。校园依山傍水,坐落在当地颇有名气的抱犊山脚下。抱犊山因抱犊寨而得名。传说早些年间,由于山高路险,人畜攀行困难,山上村寨的百姓只能把刚刚出生的小牛犊抱上山来,悉心养大后,再让她帮助人们耕田劳作。非常巧合的是,东方家政学校这几年苦苦探索的也是一种类似于“抱犊”的办学模式:他们以初中毕业后因家庭贫困不能升学的农村女孩为主要招生对象,以具有很大市场潜力的家政服务为主要专业,采取入学不考试、不缴学费和住宿费,即“零门槛”的入学方式,让其接受两年制中专教育;对学习期满、考核合格者,颁发中专文凭,学校负责推荐工作;学生毕业上岗后,部分返还学校的教育与培养费用。按照这种模式,三年中,学校已招收来自河北省52个贫困县的1700多人进入家政服务专业学习,其中已有780多人走上了家政服务工作岗位。学校提出,要坚持面向市场办学与开展教育扶贫紧密结合的思路,把“抱犊”办学模式进行到底,实现“万人上学,万人就业,万户脱贫奔小康”的办学目标。 Shijiazhuang Oriental Home Economics Secondary School is a private vocational school located in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, 16 kilometers west of Luquan City, Bai Luquan Township. Campus Yishanbangshui, is located at the foot of the famous local Baodu Hill. Baodu Hill named for holding calf Walled. In the early years of the legend, people in the mountainous villages could only bring the newly born calf to the mountain due to the high road and difficulty in climbing people and animals. Carefully raise her, and let her help her to farm her labor. What is very coincidental is that the East China School of Home Economics has been trying hard for a few years to explore a “schooling pattern” like that: the rural girls who can not go to school after their graduation from junior high school are the main enrollment targets, Great market potential of domestic service as the main professional, take the entrance examination, do not pay tuition and accommodation fees, that is, “zero threshold ” of admission, let it receive two years of secondary education; expire, assessment Qualified, the diploma issued by the secondary school, the school is responsible for recommending work; students graduate after graduation, part of the return of school education and training costs. According to this model, over the past three years, more than 1,700 people from 52 poor counties in Hebei Province have been enrolled in the school to enter the domestic service professional study, of which more than 780 people have taken up housekeeping jobs. The school proposed that we should adhere to the idea of ​​combining market-oriented education with education in alleviating poverty so that we can carry out the schooling pattern of “Baidu ” so as to achieve the school goal of “10,000 people go to school, 10,000 people work, 10,000 people get rid of poverty” .
《右江医学》杂志于1972年创刊,广西壮族自治区卫生厅主管,右江民族医学院附属医院(临床学院)主办,为国内外公开发行的医药综合性省级学术刊物。国际标准刊号:ISSN 1003-1383
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