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铊是1861年发现的银灰色质软的重金属。铊及其常见的化合物硫酸铊、醋酸铊、溴化铊、硝酸铊、氢氧化铊、碘化铊等,均属剧烈的神经毒物,对人和动物有很高的毒性。1995年3月8日,清华大学学生朱令因突发双下肢痛、眩晕,被确诊为罕见的重度铊中毒而数度濒死,引起舆论广泛关注。那么铊中毒是怎么回事呢?这里介绍一些有关知识,以解读者之谜。 铊的矿物有红铊矿、硒铊铜矿、硫铊银矿等,但储量极少;主要靠冶炼其它金属的副产品回收获得。随着现代科技的发展,铊化合物用于制造光电光管、光学透镜、棱镜、低温计、颜料、烟火、化学催 Thallium is a silver-gray soft heavy metal found in 1861. Thallium and its common compounds, such as thallium sulfate, thallium acetate, thallium bromide, thallium nitrate, thallium hydroxide and thallium iodide, are severe neurotoxic agents that are highly toxic to humans and animals. On March 8, 1995, Zhu Ling, a student at Tsinghua University, was dying several times due to a sudden onset of both lower extremity pain and dizziness, and was diagnosed with rare severe thallium poisoning. This caused widespread public concern. So thallium poisoning is how the case? Here to introduce some of the knowledge to the reader’s mystery. Thallium minerals are red thallium ore, selenium and thallium copper, sulfur and thallium silver, but very little reserves; mainly by smelting other by-products of metal recovery. With the development of modern science and technology, thallium compounds are used in the manufacture of photoelectric tubes, optical lenses, prisms, pyrometers, pigments, pyrotechnics, chemical catalysts
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女性多毛症是临床内分泌学常见的问题之一[1],现将我们诊治的309例报告如下。对象和方法一.对象 均系我所多毛症门诊病人,经临床及实验室检查排除其它器质性疾病引起的多毛