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党的十四大确定的社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,给高校图书馆思想政治工作提出了新课题。首先是在市场经济体制下图书馆工作人员的思想观念发生了新变化。其次是高校图书馆的思想政治工作如何适应市场经济体制的新特点,让图书馆更好地为学校的教学、科研服务。第三是开展思想政治工作的新形式和方法。现就上述问题作些探讨。一、市场经济体制下图书馆人员的思想变化市场经济存在的前提和基础是商品经济,而商品经济对人们的思想可以产生两种截然不同的影响。一方面促使人们实现一系列观念转变,为竞争观念,效益观念,创新观念,平等观念和权利义务观念等等。另一方面也使一些经不起诱惑的人唯利是图、损公肥私、损人利已、权钱 The establishment and development of the socialist market economic system confirmed by the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward new tasks for the ideological and political work of university libraries. First, new changes have taken place in the ideology of library staff under the market economy system. Second is how the ideological and political work in the university library can adapt to the new characteristics of the market economy system so as to make the library serve the teaching and research of the school better. The third is to launch new forms and methods of ideological and political work. Now on some of the issues discussed. I. Changes in Ideology of Librarians in a Market Economy System The premise and basis for the existence of a market economy are the commodity economy, which can have two distinctly different effects on people’s thinking. On the one hand, it urges people to realize a series of concept changes, which are concepts of competition, benefits, innovation, concepts of equality and rights and obligations. On the other hand, it also makes some people who can not afford the temptation to profit,
一、目前我国已具备碘盐立法的条件,建议及早起草我国食盐加碘法,并力争年内完成起草工作。二、各地应根据本地缺碘情况及当地居 First, at present, China has the condit
[Objective] To optimize the microwave-assisted extraction process for red pigment from Rosa rugosa Thunb.[Method] Using Yunnan edible rose as materials,the extr
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冠心病是一种多因子病,其发病与否既取决于遗传因素,亦取决于多种环境因素。这些与冠心病发病有关的因素统称为冠心病的易患(危险)因素。主要包括: 1.高血压:高血压可加重心