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现代社会对人才的健康水平的要求越来越高,然而,我国学生特别是大中学生的健康状况并不太好,值得我们重视。一、目前我国学生的健康状况 1.生理方面 (1)视力:据潍坊市寒亭一中于惠贞女士对本校11年来新生近视动态调查表明,在3883名学生中,视力不良的有1410人,占36.31%,其中第一年的调查仅发现7.40%,到第11年增至76.50%,增加了10倍;武汉市9年来对中小学生调查统计表明,小学视力不良率为14.81%,中学为40.06%。 (2)营养:据中国学生营养促进会1989年对全国中学生调查结果 However, the health status of our students, especially the middle and high school students, is not very good and deserves our attention. First, the current health status of our students 1. Physiological (1) visual acuity: According to Weifang Hanting one in Ms. Hui Zhen 11 years of our school freshman myopia dynamic survey showed that 3883 students, poor vision 1410 , Accounting for 36.31%, of which the first year of the survey found only 7.40%, the eleventh year to 76.50%, an increase of 10 times; Wuhan 9 years of primary and secondary school students survey showed that primary school vision defect rate was 14.81%, secondary 40.06%. (2) Nutrition: According to the Chinese Students Nutrition Association in 1989 on the findings of the national secondary school students
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