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有研究认为创意企业之间的互动影响企业的创新能力,然而企业之间互动是否受空间因素的影响,尚需要地理学家讨论。选择北京市设计创意产业基地(Design,Resource,Cooperation,简称DRC),调查其内部企业之间的网络特征,目的在于探究在这样尺度的空间单元中,企业之间便利的互动条件是否能够促进企业的创新能力。运用社会网络分析软件,度量了DRC内部全部创意企业之间的网络特征,并以之作为自变量,统计了这些网络特征与工业设计企业创新能力的相关性。研究结论如下:第一,相对狭小的园区规模对企业网络发育有正负两方面的影响;第二,位于企业网络中较好位置的企业其创新能力也较强。本研究有两点讨论:第一,本研究没有考虑已孵化成功并迁出的企业,它们或许与位于网络之外的企业有密切联系;第二,虽然园区目前的空间范围不利于企业网络发育,从而影响企业创新,但是园区扩大到多大才不至于降低企业邻近性、增加企业间物理空间沟通成本,有待未来研究。 Some studies think that the interaction between creative enterprises affects the innovation ability of enterprises. However, whether the interaction among enterprises is affected by space factors still needs the discussion of geographers. Beijing Design Innovative Industry Base (Design, Resource, Cooperation, referred to as DRC), to investigate the network characteristics of its internal enterprises, the purpose is to explore the spatial unit in such a scale, the convenience of the interaction between enterprises can promote business Innovation ability. By using social network analysis software, the network characteristics of all creative enterprises in DRC were measured and used as independent variables to calculate the correlation between these network characteristics and innovation capability of industrial design enterprises. The conclusions are as follows: First, the relatively small size of the park has positive and negative impacts on the development of the enterprise network. Second, the enterprises located in the better locations in the enterprise network have more innovative ability. There are two discussions in this study. First, this study does not consider those enterprises that have been hatched successfully and moved out. They may be closely related to enterprises located outside the network. Second, although the current spatial scope of the park is not conducive to the development of enterprise networks , Thus affecting enterprise innovation, but how much the park expands will not reduce the business proximity and increase the cost of communication between enterprises in the physical space, to be studied in the future.
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