An Efficient Query Rewriting Approach for Web Cached Data Management

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengxiulong33
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With the internet development, querying data on the Web is an attention problem of involving information from distributed, and often dynamically, related Web sources. Basically, some sub-queries can be effectively cached from previous queries or materialized views in order to achieve a better query performance based on the notion of rewriting queries. In this paper, we propose a novel query-rewriting model, called Hierarchical Query Tree, for representing Web queries. Hierarchical Query Tree is a labeled tree that is suitable for representing the inherent hierarchy feature of data on the Web. Based on Hierarchical Query Tree, we use case-based approach to determine what the query results should be. The definitions of queries and query results are both represented as labeled trees. Thus, we can use the same model for representing cases and the medium query results can also be dynamically updated by the user queries. We show that our case-based method can be used to answer a new query based on the combination of previous queries, including changes of requirements and various information sources. With the internet development, querying data on the Web is an attention problem of involving information from distributed, and often dynamically, related Web sources. Basically, some sub-queries can be effectively cached from previous queries or materialized views in order to achieve a better query performance based on the notion of rewriting queries. In this paper, we propose a novel query-rewriting model, called Hierarchical Query Tree, for representing Web queries. Hierarchical Query Tree is a labeled tree that is suitable for representing the inherent hierarchy feature of data on the Web. Based on Hierarchical Query Tree, we use case-based approach to determine what the query results should be. The definitions of queries and query results are both as labeled trees. cases and the medium query results can also be dynamically updated by the user queries. We show that our case-based method can be used to answer a new query ba sed on the combination of previous queries, including changes of requirements and various information sources.
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