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提问法虽有许多优点,但在实际教学中运用时必须遵循以下几个要求。1.提问要有计划性教师在备课时应根据本次课的教学任务、重点和难点,安排在课时计划内,并在上课时按照计划进行。如果因其他因素(客观因素、突发事件等)不能按原计划进行时可根据当时具体情况进行,尽可能保证课时计划内容的完整性,要避免随意改变课时计划。如在学习体操教材中的前滚翻技术时由于学生团身不够而不能按动作的要求完成。在这种情况时教师可以向学生提问“方块与圆球哪个容易滚动?”这样的一个问题,就很容易启发学生,学生自然就能体会到练习前滚翻时身体团得越圆越好的道理。2.提问要有目的性体育教学的目的就是向学生传播体育的基本知识、基本技术和基本技能,通过三基教学增强学生体质,提高学生运用所学的技术、技能和知识进行锻炼身体的能力。所以体育教学中运用提问法,对学生的知识、技术和技能的掌握,巩固所学知识、技术和技能具有重要的 Although there are many advantages of the questioning method, the following requirements must be followed when using it in practical teaching. 1. Ask Questions A planning teacher should arrange the lesson plans according to the teaching tasks, priorities, and difficulties of the lesson during lesson preparation and follow the plan during class. If other factors (objective factors, emergencies, etc.) cannot be carried out according to the original plan at the time, it is possible to ensure the integrity of the lesson plans as much as possible, and to avoid arbitrarily changing the class plan. For example, in the learning of gymnastics textbooks, the front-rolling technique cannot be completed in accordance with the requirements of the movement due to the lack of a student body. In this case, the teacher can ask the student the question “Whether the box and the ball is easy to roll?”, it is easy to enlighten the students, and the students can naturally realize that the rounder and better body group can be realized when practicing before the rollover. . 2. Question The purpose of purposeful physical education teaching is to disseminate the basic knowledge, basic skills and basic skills of the students to the students. Through the three-basic teaching to enhance the students’ physique and improve their ability to use their skills, skills and knowledge in physical exercise. . So in Physical Education questioning method, students master the knowledge, technology and skills, consolidate knowledge, technology and skills learned an important
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