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国庆节七天长假刚过,地处 三峡工程淹没区的云阳张 飞庙闭门谢客,正式开始整体搬迁。以此为契机,三峡库区地面文物的抢救进入了更为紧迫的倒计时。据了解,三峡工程牵涉到22个县、市、区的120多万移民,将淹没秭归、巴东、巫山、奉节、云阳、万州.忠县、丰都等有着数千年历史的古城,淹没面积达到632平方公里。抢救库区水面淹没和移民迁建范围内存在的大量历史文化遗产,直接影响三峡工程的进度、质量和形象。记者近日在库区各地采访时看到,来自全国近70家文物考古单位的强将精兵正汇集于此,以倒计时的紧迫感,在峡江两岸掀起了我国历史上最大的“文物保卫战”。 张飞庙西移32公里 重庆市文化局副局长王川平告诉记者,重庆已完成110多处地面文物的资料留取、38处文物点的原地保护和66处文物点的搬迁保 National Day holiday just over seven days, is located in the Three Gorges Project inundated area Yunyang Zhang Fei Temple closed door Xie, officially began the overall relocation. Taking this as an opportunity, the rescuing of the cultural relics on the Three Gorges reservoir area has entered a more urgent countdown. It is understood that the Three Gorges Project involves more than 1.2 million immigrants in 22 counties, cities and districts and will inundate the ancient cities with thousands of years of history such as Zigui, Badong, Wushan, Fengjie, Yunyang and Wanzhou. Submerged area of ​​632 square kilometers. Rescuing a large number of historical and cultural heritages within the reservoir area from water inundation and resettlement will directly affect the progress, quality and image of the Three Gorges Project. In an interview recently in various parts of the reservoir area, reporters have seen that the best and most capable troops from nearly 70 cultural and archaeological units in the country are gathering here. Taking the urgency of countdown as the biggest “relics defense battle” in the history of our country, . Zhang Feimiao 32 kilometers westward shift Wang Chuanping, deputy director of Chongqing Municipal Cultural Bureau told reporters that Chongqing has completed more than 110 pieces of information on the ground artifacts, 38 in-situ protection of cultural relics and the relocation of 66 cultural relics
OBJECTIVE: To estimate and report the incidence and perinatal significance of hypoglycemia during the 100- g oral glucose tolerance test in pregnant women. MET
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the relative effects of pregnancy and mode of delivery on the prevalence of urinary and fecal incontinence
以廉价、易得的三氯化磷、仲胺、邻羟甲基苯酚为原料,通过简单的两步反应,合成了6种新型多功能亚磷酰胺配体,收率达85%以上。通过1HNMR谱和1 3CNMR谱对其结构进行了表征,所得