
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quindavid
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Blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation were monitored prospectively during 40 echocardiography recordings on 17 preterm infants (25-29 weeks; 510 -1430 g), to examine whether echocardiography can be performed without disturbi ng cardiorespiratory status in preterm infants. There was no impact on absolute blood pressure. Heart rate increased by a mean of 4 beats per minute, and oxygen saturation decreased by a mean of 1%during echocardiography. While these chang es reached statistical significance they are not of clinical significance as the y remained well within ranges seen during control rest periods. All readings had greater minute-to-minute variability during echocardiography but differences were small and again remained within physiological ranges. Blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation were monitored prospectively during 40 echocardiography recordings on 17 preterm infants (25-29 weeks; 510 -1430 g), to examine whether echocardiography can be performed without disturbing cardiorespiratory status in preterm infants. There was no impact on absolute blood pressure. Heart rate increased by a mean of 4 beats per minute, and oxygen saturation decreased by a mean of 1% during echocardiography. While these chang es reached statistical significance they are not of clinical significance as the y desert well All ranges had during control rest periods. All readings had greater minute-to-minute variability during echocardiography but differences were small and again remained within physiological ranges.
1 要充分认识农村低压电网的特点 农村用电的特点是:点多、面广、线路长,随意性、季节性用电很强.特别是低压用电中私拉乱接到处可见,如春秋季节排涝、抗旱抽水,收割季节脱粒
82C03CHMOS动态RAM控制器可自动地刷新微计算机系统和存贮扩展板上的容量为64K位的NMOS或CMOS动态RAM阵列,在当今市场上,这种控制器是一种具有最高的集 The 82C03CHMOS dyn
中国无产阶级革命家、政治家和中国共产党的杰出领导人胡耀邦同志,1989年4月15日在北京病逝。屈指算来,这位伟人离开人世至今已逾16年了!然而,耀邦同志精神不死,风范长存。近几年来,笔者读了许多当事人和知情者撰写的有关胡耀邦平反冤假错案事迹的回忆文章,感人肺腑,刻骨铭心。    可贵的三鞠躬    曾任《中国青年报》副总编辑的陈模同志,1957年反右派斗争中被错划为“右派分子”,1978年12月间
多功能外部器件Intel 8256AH把四块独立的NMOS芯片结合成一块有40引脚的 HMOSⅡ芯片。8256A的新改进型8256AH改善了它前身产品8256A的性能和可靠性。与微处理器相配的外部控