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   Isiting Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina was an eyeopening and humbling experience. When we traveled to Croatia, we took a day trip to Mostar.
   While we were prepared to see signs of the war, actually seeing them in person was very startling. We had been in Dubrovnik, which had also been directly hit by war, but everything there has been rebuilt. So Mostar was our first sighting of bullet hole ridden and gutted buildings in ruins. Living in a country where home-based wars are in our far past and current wars are an ocean away, it was very sobering to see physical manifestations of war everywhere and realize that the people of Mostar, and many other areas of the former Yugoslavia, lived with war raging around them daily.
   After our day in Mostar, I can say it is very touristy, but not in a way that should be a turnoff to visitors. The streets were lined with shops selling trinkets,
   We reached our first site, the famous Stari Most, the Old Bridge. This striking single-arch stone bridge was built from 1557 to 1566. There are large towers on either side of the bridge, one of which houses a museum. The sad history of the bridge is that while it was able to stand for over 400 years, and even withstood the weight of Nazi tanks, in 1993 the bridge was shelled and collapsed into the river below. Amazingly, after the war ended, the bridge was rebuilt with stone from the original quarry in the exact way it was built so long ago. Nowadays, local young men hang out on the bridge in speedos waiting for someone to pay them to jump into the chilly Neretva River below.
   After taking in the view from atop the bridge and touring the bridge’s museum, we visited our first mosque, Koski MehmedPasha Mosque. The nice thing about visiting the mosques in the more touristy part of Mostar is that they are a little more lenient with visitors. You can still wear modest clothing (which can be difficult when it is so hot), but women are not required to wear scarves and it is not necessary to remove your shoes.
   The grounds of Koski Mehmed-Pasha Mosque offer a beautiful view of Stari Most. You can also climb to the top of the minaret for another stunning view. Muslims do not make images of living creatures in mosques, so the colors of the mosque’s interior were created from colorful rugs and bright painted forms on the white walls and ceilings.
   After visiting the mosque we veered away from the main tourist drag one street over to the New Muslim Cemetery. Before the war, it was a park. But during the war, the more exposed cemeteries were unusable because visitors were visible to snipers, so this tree protected park became a cemetery. Visiting the cemetery was moving and heartwrenching. Every single tombstone is dated 1993, 1994, or 1995. I think this hit me even more than the structures riddled with bullet holes and the completely gutted buildings with full-grown trees growing up the middle. I’ve always been a fan of cemeteries because I like to feel the people buried there had long fulfilling lives, surrounded by people that loved them enough to build memorials to them. The occupants of these tombs had their lives stolen away from them far too soon.    Being outside of the main tourist street kind of took me out of my comfort zone. I didn’t feel unsafe, but I did feel like an outsider. The residents stared at us, and I couldn’t tell what they were thinking.
   Another reason we strayed from the main street was to visit the Museum of Herzegovina. Unfortunately, this wish was denied. Something that also happened to us frequently in Dubrovnik was that the museum did not have change for our money. I have never encountered this elsewhere. I felt like Pretty Woman, except instead of being denied the opportunity to shop, I was denied the opportunity to visit a museum. Seriously, does it get any nerdier than that? If at all possible, acquire small change to pay entrance fees, though in my experience, this is easier said than done.
   Our next stop was the Biscevic Turkish House, one of Mostar’s traditional Turkish-style homes that are open to visitors. The house was built in the 1600s and has beautiful woodwork on the inside and intricate river stone work on the outside. There is even a box of traditional costumes that can be tried on for pictures.
   Our last stop was Karadozbeg Mosque. This mosque was built just before Stari Most was started. It was simpler and not as colorful as the first we visited, but was still beautiful and has retained some of its original decorations. There is a cemetery adjacent to this mosque, also filled with tombstones from the war.
   On the way back we did a little souvenir shopping. There are many different types of articles to choose from, including hammered-copper items, rugs, scarves, and war remnant paraphernalia. Also be sure to try borek (or burek), a traditional street food made with spiraled crispy phyllo dough filled with cheese and meat.
   I felt Mostar was a little different from the typical day trip destination. Later in our trip we encountered some travelers who were deciding whether or not to go to Mostar, and when I responded to their question of if it was worth it, I hesitated. Mostar is beautiful and has very different sites with its bridge, mosques, and Turkish-style homes. However, for me, it had more to do with learning a little about a culture I am very unfamiliar with and reflecting on a difficult notso-distant war-torn past, something I hope I will never have to experience personally.
   尽管我们做好了要看战争遗迹的心理准备,但亲眼看到时还是十分惊诧的。杜布罗夫尼克也是个被战火直接侵袭过的城市,之前我们已经到过那里,但是那里的一切都经过了重建。所以在莫斯塔尔,我们才第一次见到弹孔累累、被毁劫一空的楼房废墟。生活在我们自己的国家,在本土开战的战争已然是久远的历史,而如今的战争又在大洋的另一边爆发,当看到随处皆是实实在在的战争痕迹,意识到莫斯塔尔和其他原南斯拉夫地区的人民每日与狂暴的战争共眠,让人从麻木中幡然醒悟。    在莫斯塔尔游览了一天之后,我会说这里游客非常爆满,但这种拥挤倒不至于令游客讨厌。街道两旁小饰品店林立。
有趣的是,你们会想象不出,这是一个多么无趣的时代。  但恰恰因为无趣,才时时会有亮点可寻,处处会觉得生活每一眼都是无尽的可爱  有涯之生,无趣不易  西 矜  无趣中寻觅有趣,恰是经年后的美好回忆,是历经沧桑后突现眼前的一抹斜阳,微醺。  有趣也许是欧阳修头上戴的那朵花:“白发戴花君莫笑,六幺催拍盏频传,人生何处似尊前”;是苏东坡被贬时的风采:“左牵黄,右擎苍,老夫聊发少年狂”;是李清照年少时的“
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