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2001年,中国申奥成功、男足出线、APEC召开、加入世贸组织,中国在经济、外交及体育等方面获得了累累硕果。同样,乘着这股强劲的世纪东风,文艺界也迎来了自己的盛事——中国文联第七次全代会、中国作协第六次全代会于去年岁末在京举行。笔者有幸与本院美术学院陈世宁教授、徐利明教授及影视系主任陶泽如等3位同仁一起作为全国文代会代表出席了新世纪的首次文艺盛会。临行前,院党委书记文晓明等院领导和我们进行了座谈。文书记强调我们一行参加此次文代会的“广义”代表身份,即代表文艺工作者、教育工作者,代表本省、本院,并要求我们从教育工作者代表角度去关注、呼吁文艺教育事业的发展。省委对此次文代会也相当重视,临出发前,省委副书记任彦申等省领导专程到代表团出发地送行,任彦申同志在热情洋溢的讲话中勉励我们要代表江苏的形象尽心尽职地开好大会。正是怀着各级领导对我们的期望及全省文艺工作者的心声,我们情绪饱满地参加了此次盛会,并留下了诸多感触及难忘印象。 In 2001, when China successfully applied for the Olympic Games, the men’s and women’s qualifications came out, APEC was held and China joined the WTO. China has achieved great successes in economy, diplomacy and sports. In the same vein, the literary and art circles ushered in their own event riding on this strong century of east wind - the 6th National Congress of the Chinese Writers’ Association held in Beijing at the end of last year. The author was fortunate to have attended the first literary festival of the new century with representatives from National Academy of Arts and Culture, together with three colleagues including Professor Chen Shining, Professor Xu Liming and Director Tao Zeru of the Academy of Fine Arts. Prior to his departure, Wen Xiao-ming and other courtyard leaders of the hospital party committee held discussions with us. The textbook emphasizes the “broad sense” representative status of our delegation to participate in the literary and social congress, that is, representatives of literary and art workers, educators, representatives of our province and our hospital, and requires us to pay attention from the perspective of the representatives of educators and urge literary and art education Career development. Before the departure of the Provisional Provincial Government, the provincial party committee’s deputy secretary Ren Yanshen and other provincial leaders made a special trip to the delegation’s departure. Comrade Ren Yashen encouraged us to express our dedication to representing the image of Jiangsu in his warm speech Good meeting. It was with the expectations of leaders at all levels and the voices of literary and art workers in our province that we were full of emotion and left many feelings and unforgettable impressions.
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