Identification and Analysis of Physiological Races of Magnaporthe oryzae in Heilongjiang Province

来源 :Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanhaicang
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A totatl of 116 isolates of rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, were collected from 45 samples in different counties of Heilongjiang Province, and 20 Chinese physiological races belonging to seven groups were identified by using seven standard Chinese rice blast identifying varieties. Results showed that the dominant groups could be ranked as ZA, ZD, and ZB, with the occurrence frequencies of 47.41%, 22.41% and 15.52%, respectively. The race ZA49 was the dominant race with the occurrence frequency of 26.72%. The occurrence frequencies of the races ZD5 and ZD1 were 10.34% and 8.62%, respectively. The rising occurrence frequencies of these three dominant species were the most important reasons that causing Kongyu-131 more sensitive to rice blast. The results of virulence frequency indicated that the race harboring Pi-k, Pi-i, Pi-a gene were more susceptible to rice blast in Heilongjiang Province, and they should not be large-scale cultivated. A totatl of 116 isolates of rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, were collected from 45 samples in different counties of Heilongjiang Province, and 20 Chinese physiological races belonging to seven groups were identified by using seven standard Chinese rice blast yet. The dominant frequencies of the race ZA49 was the dominant race with the occurrence frequency of 26.72%. The occurrence of the race of ZA49 was the dominant race with the occurrence frequencies of 47.41%, 22.41% and 15.52%, respectively. The rising of frequencies of these three dominant species were the most important causes that caused Kongyu-131 more sensitive to rice blast. The results of virulence frequency indicated that the race harboring Pi-k , Pi-i, Pi-a gene were more susceptible to rice blast in Heilongjiang Province, and they should not be large-scale cultivated.
A urea-nitrate combustion method was used to prepare Ce-Mn-O material, which was applied as the support for a series of CuO /Ce-Mn-O catalysts. The structure of
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<正> 卞文瑜(约1576~1655年),字润甫,号浮白,江苏苏州人。康熙10年尚在世。原姓徐后改卞姓。画史称其擅山水树石勾勒,曾从董其昌学画,工于用笔,取法元黄公望、吴镇。善小景,布局结构有巧思。他是苏松派画家,是“画中九友”之一。其传世作品甚少,目前保存的有吉林博物馆收藏《山水册》、上海博物馆