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苏东坡说:“从来佳茗似佳人。”得茶之道的女人,如一杯清亮、澄澈、甘醇的佳茗,令人回味有着茶一样清新悠远的美。眼前的茶女人赵艳,清秀隽美、轻盈飘逸、宁静柔和,有一种别具妙韵的美丽和风情。赵艳的身份颇为繁复——山东省茶文化协会常务理事、曲阜国际孔子茶文化促进会常务副秘书长、高级茶艺师、青岛市劳动保障局技能培训中心特聘茶艺教师、青岛太清上远茶厂合伙人、崂山茶艺和禅茶一味茶艺的创始人……,这些“符号”全部与茶有关,因此称呼赵艳为茶女人,几乎是再合适不过的美誉了。 Su said: “Tea is always the woman, such as a cup of clear, clear, sweet and good tea, memorable tea with fresh and distant beauty. In front of the tea woman Zhao Yan, handsome Jun beauty, light and elegant, quiet and soft, there is a beautiful charm and style. Zhao Yan’s identity is complicated - Shandong Province Tea Culture Association executive director, Qufu International Confucius Tea Culture Association executive deputy secretary general, senior tea division, Qingdao City Labor and Social Security Bureau Skills Training Center Distinguished tea teacher, Qingdao Taiyuan Shangyuan Tea factory partner, Laoshan tea art and Chan tea blindly founder of tea ... ..., these ”symbols " all with tea, so called Zhao Yan tea woman, is almost an appropriate reputation again.
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