挥洒激情 收获欢乐——记大安市剧团团长王玉生

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还是那方天地,十年之间,破乱不堪的低矮平房为整洁秩序的团舍所取代;还是那支队伍,十年之间,游移浮动的人心为坚定乐观的激情所取代;还是那个剧团,十年之间,局促一隅、寂寂无名为名播全省的响亮声誉所取代。大安市剧团从起死回生到实现跨越式发展的历程,赢得了上级文化主管部门的赞赏和肯定,得到了兄弟剧团的瞩目和文艺界同行的称羡!亲历剧团十年变迁的演职员们不会忘记,剧团的调整和重塑乃至每一个细节的微妙变化无不凝结着团长王玉生的心血和汗水。没有王玉生,就没有剧团的今天,更不会有可以预见和畅想的未来。 Or that world, ten years, the chaotic low bungalows for neat order of the community to replace; or that team, within a decade, the floating people floating heart for a firm and optimistic passion replaced; or that Troupe, ten years, cramped corner, the nameless silence of the province’s reputation replaced by the loud reputation. Daan City Troupe from the rebirth to achieve leapfrog development won the appreciation and recognition of the higher cultural department, has been the attention of the brothers troupe and literary colleagues envy! Pro-experienced theater company ten years of change will not forget the cast, Troupe of the adjustment and remodeling and even every detail of the subtle changes are all condensed the head of Wang Yusheng effort and sweat. Without Wang Yusheng, there is no theater today, but there will be no foreseeable and imaginative future.
“世上只有妈妈好”这首简单而朴实的歌,相信大多数人都会唱。而在江西东乡县圩上桥镇南辽村江家碑村小组有一位96岁高龄的母亲,坚持5 7年照顾残疾女儿,演绎着母女俩的半世情
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