Genus llex L.: Phytochemistry, Ethnopharmacology, and Pharmacology

来源 :Chinese Herbal Medicines | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuandianzhulang
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The genus llex L. has been used as remedies in traditional Chinese medicine in Aquifoliaceae and beverages for thousands of years due to abundant pharmaceutical bioactivities. There are 600 species in genus llex L. containing various compounds such as terpenoids, saponins, glycosides, etc. Three species, I. cornuta, I. chinensis, and I. rotunda have been admitted in Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2015 to treat dyspepsia, stomatitis, and hyperactivity cough and protect the liver and kidney. Recent studies showed that several species have been daily drunk to promote human health and prevent cardiovascular diseases in the folk. Here we reviewed the genus llex L. in phytochemistry, ethnopharmacology, and pharmacology. There are 600 species in genus llex L. containing various compounds such as terpenoids, saponins, glycosides, etc. Three species, I. cornuta, I. chinensis, and I. rotunda have been admitted in Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2015 to treat dyspepsia, stomatitis, and hyperactivity cough and protect the liver and kidney. Recent studies showed that several species have been daily drunk to promote human health and prevent cardiovascular diseases in the folk. Here we reviewed the genus llex L. in phytochemistry, ethnopharmacology, and pharmacology.
顾 问翁宇庆    中国金属学会            理事长殷瑞钰中国工程院院士李世俊中国钢铁工业协会副秘书长兼科技环保部主任杨德泽冶金工业信息标准研究院院长
全国70个大中城市,缺血的有五十多个。在此背景下,本被法律所禁止的血液买卖,也在“血贩子”的操控下野蛮生长。  宫济武已经记不清清理了多少血贩子喷涂在厕所和走廊墙上的广告了。  他是北京医院输血科主任,也是北京市输血质量控制和改进中心的负责人。  在宫济武看来,2016年春节以来的血荒似乎有点严重。他所在的北京医院开出了十多张互助献血单,以往一年也就一两例。  公开报道显示,仅2016年春节以来,
“世上只有妈妈好”这首简单而朴实的歌,相信大多数人都会唱。而在江西东乡县圩上桥镇南辽村江家碑村小组有一位96岁高龄的母亲,坚持5 7年照顾残疾女儿,演绎着母女俩的半世情
Objective To observe the cell proliferation and the protein expression of STAT1,phosphorylation of STAT1(p-STAT1),STAT3,p-STAT3and transforming growth factor β