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我们一起观察了73例慢性血吸虫病患者的血液变化,从中证明有49人(67.1%)出现不等程度的贫血,计轻度贫血35人,中度贫血13人,重症贫血1人。患者发病经过自数月至三十年不等,发病在5年以上的引起贫血的例子要早些,程度也比较重些。引起贫血的患者,红血球数目、血红蛋白含量和血球容量三者的关系基本上是一致的,血红蛋白含量减少的倾向略多于红血球数目的减少;大多数患者的血球容量并不比例地降低,因而平均红血球容积偏高,而平均红血球内血红蛋白含量则偏低,贫血类型也就显得以大血球型为主要特征,尤以大血球正色性为最,其次是大血球低色性贫血。 43例患者中有32例(74.4%)有肝动能障碍及肝脏肿大症状,且在一定程度上与出现大血球型贫血基本一致,但尚不足以说明即是血吸虫病引起贫血的唯一原因。血吸虫病患者发生贫血的机制大概是十分复杂的,肝脏病变可能是组成贫血的因素之一,但主要也许还是由于血吸虫存在所引起的患者的持续性少量失血和严重的营养障碍所致。从我们现有的材料中看不出有什么造血机能抑制和溶血的因素存在。 We observed 73 patients with chronic schistosomiasis blood changes, from which 49 (67.1%) showed varying degrees of anemia, including 35 mild anemia, moderate anemia, 13 people, 1 severe anemia. Patient incidence after months from three to thirty years, the incidence of more than 5 years of anemia caused by the earlier examples, the degree is also more serious. Patients with anemia, the relationship between the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hemoglobin is basically the same, the tendency to reduce the hemoglobin slightly more than the reduction in the number of red blood cells; most patients with the blood volume is not proportional to the decrease, and thus average High red blood cell volume, while the average hemoglobin content within the red blood cells is low, the type of anemia also appears to be the main feature of the blood cell type, especially in the blood is the most positive color, followed by macrocephalin hypochromic anemia. Thirty-two of the 43 patients (74.4%) had symptoms of hepatic dysfunction and enlargement of the liver and were somewhat consistent with the presence of megaloblastic anemia but not enough to explain that schistosomiasis was the only cause of anemia. The mechanism of anemia in schistosomiasis patients is probably quite complicated. Liver disease may be one of the factors that make up anemia, but it may be mainly due to the persistent small amount of blood loss and severe nutritional problems caused by the presence of schistosomiasis. There is no evidence of any hematopoietic suppression and hemolysis in our existing materials.
文章介绍了一体化成型TiB_2-C复合层阴极炭块的研制、产品检测在75kA预焙槽上的应用试验以及所取得的经济效益和社会效益。 The paper introduces the development of TiB_2