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利用外资开发和建设山区,是实现城乡经济同步发展,尽快缩短落后山区和发达地区之间的距离,加速山区由内向型经济向外向型经济转变的一项重要措施。近几年来,我省不少山区县从本地实际情况出发,积极引进外资和先进技术、设备,兴办外向型企业和出口商品生产基地,发展出口换汇产品的生产,取得了一定的成绩,初步改变了山区“三资”企业空白、“三来一补”企业少和年提供外贸出口商品徘徊不前的局面。例如信宜县,1988年全县外向型企业发展到20多家,换汇产品达30多个,出口工业产值达4600万元,占全县工业总产值的23.4%:年创汇达1400多万美元,但是,应该看到,山区由于受到资金、技术、 The use of foreign capital to develop and build mountain regions is an important measure to realize the simultaneous development of urban and rural economy, shorten the distance between the backward mountainous areas and the developed areas as soon as possible, and accelerate the transformation from an inward-oriented economy to an outward-oriented economy in the mountainous areas. In recent years, many mountainous counties in our province have proceeded from the actual conditions in our country and actively introduced foreign investment, advanced technologies and equipment, establishment of export-oriented enterprises and export production bases, and the development of the production of export exchange products. Some achievements have been achieved, initially It has changed the blank of the “three-capital” enterprises in the mountainous areas and the “three-to-one-one-supplement” enterprises have provided stagnant export trade products. For example, Xinyi County, in 1988 the county’s export-oriented enterprises developed to more than 20, exchange products amounted to more than 30, the export value of industrial output reached 46 million yuan, accounting for 23.4% of the county industrial output value: the annual earned more than 1400 million However, it should be noted that mountainous areas suffer from financial, technical,
10月初消息,精工爱普生公司首次入选道琼斯全球可持续发展指数榜(DJSI World)。道琼斯全球可持续发展指数榜是一套由美国道琼斯公司和瑞士SAM(可持续资产管理)集团共同开发的
本文详细地提供了大截面的高速钢在高压氮气中淬火的金属组织转变特性及其与常规盐浴热处理效果的比较,对真空热处理的优点也作了介绍。 This paper provides a detailed co
一、序言 某发动机Ⅰ级涡轮叶片材料为铸造镍基耐热合金,切削加工性很差。其榫齿部分的加工,采用M42铣刀铣削加工时,刃磨一次只能加工1~3片,而一把铣刀只允许刃磨12次。每把
(一)观念的转变和更新是联合的关键。 横向经济联合是适应我国有计划商品经济发展的需要而出现的一种新事物。商品经济是以开放、竞争以及各种生产要素横向运动为基本特征的
近年来,通货膨胀问题牵动着我们每个人的心。目前通货膨胀已达18至19个百分点, 它同居高不下的经济增长速度一样,成为经济“过热症”的一大特征,实际上已经阻碍 了经济体制改
耐蚀耐磨的高精度镜面轧辊加工技术,是塑料、造纸、橡胶等膜片生产企业和加工制造厂家长期以来所寻求解决的关键工艺之一。 我厂于1984年10月,采用金属刷镀和砂带磨削抛光综