Treatment of rectal prolapse in children with cow milk injection sclerotherapy:30-year experience

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chelseainter
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AIM:To evaluate the role and our experience of injecti-on sclerotherapy with cow milk in the treatment of rectal prolapse in children. METHODS:In the last 30 years (1976-2006) we made 100 injections of sclerotherapy with cow milk in 86 chil-dren. In this study we included children who failed to respond to conservative treatment and we perform ope-rative treatment. RESULTS:In our study we included 86 children and in all of the patients we perform cow milk injection sclerot-herapy. In 95.3% (82 children) of patients sclerotherapy was successful. In 4 (4.7%) patients we had recurrent rectal prolapse where we performed operative treatment. Below 4 years we had 62 children (72%) and 24 older children (28%). In children who needed operative trea-tment we performed Thiersch operation and without any complications. CONCLUSION:Injection sclerotherapy with cow milk for treatment rectal prolapse in children is a simple and effective treatment for rectal prolapse with minimal com-plications. AIM: To evaluate the role and our experience of injecti-on sclerotherapy with cow milk in the treatment of rectal prolapse in children. METHODS: In the last 30 years (1976-2006) we made 100 injections of sclerotherapy with cow milk in 86 chil -dren. In this study we included children who failed to respond to conservative treatment and we perform ope-rative treatment. RESULTS: In our study we included 86 children and in all of the patients we performed cow milk injection sclerot-herapy. In 95.3 In 4 (4.7%) patients we had recurrent rectal prolapse where we performed operative treatment. Below 4 years we had 62 children (72%) and 24 older children (28%). In children who needed operative trea-tment we performed Thiersch operation and without any complications. CONCLUSION: Injection sclerotherapy with cow milk for treatment of rectal prolapse in children is a simple and effective treatment for rectal prolapse with minimal com-plications.
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