
来源 :中华心血管病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jrong520
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目的 分析 1 999~ 2 0 0 1年我国冠心病介入治疗 (PCI)的发展趋势。方法 凡开展冠心病介入治疗的医院 ,均填写由中华医学会心血管病学分会介入心脏病学组和中华心血管病杂志编辑部统一印发的表格 ,根据表格提供的资料对 1 999~ 2 0 0 1年我国完成的PCI病例进行回顾性统计分析。结果  1 999~ 2 0 0 1年共注册PCI病例总数 36 0 98例 ,来自全国范围内 1 1 2所医院 ,其中 1 999年 80 0 0例 ,2 0 0 0年 1 1 753例 ,2 0 0 1年 1 6 345例 ,总成功率 97 0 %。共扩张病变 53 695处 ,其中 43 30 4处(80 6 % )病变置入支架 ,支架置入成功率 99 0 %。 30 339例择期PCI的主要并发症包括冠状动脉痉挛(2 4% )、严重冠状动脉夹层 (2 2 % )、冠状动脉急性闭塞 (0 8% )、急性、亚急性血栓形成 (0 6 % )、急性心肌梗死 (0 5 % )、急诊冠状动脉旁路移植术 (0 0 7% )、死亡 (0 31 % )。随访中靶血管重建术 7 0 %。急性心肌梗死急诊PCI较上次注册资料有较大增长 ,共 5 759例 ,其中直接PCI 4 41 7例 ,补救性PCI1 342例 ,总成功率 96 3 %。左主干PCI共完成 551例 ,总成功率 98 4% ,手术死亡率 0 9% ,随访期中死亡 8例 (1 5 % ) ,靶血管重建术 8 2 %。此次参加注册的医院中 ,每年完成PCI <75例的医院占46 0 % ,每 Objective To analyze the development trend of coronary intervention (PCI) in China from 1999 to 2001. Methods Where the interventional treatment of coronary heart disease hospitals, are filled out by the Chinese Medical Association Cardiology credits interventional cardiology group and the Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases editorial department unified issued a form, according to the information provided in the form of 1 999 ~ 2 0 Retrospective statistical analysis of PCI cases completed in China in 2001. Results A total of 36 098 PCI cases were enrolled from 1999 to 2001. They were from 112 hospitals nationwide, of which 80 0 in 1999, 11 753 in 2000, In 2001, a total of 16 345 cases were achieved, with a total success rate of 97.0%. A total of 53 695 lesions were dilated, of which 43 30 4 (80 6%) lesions were placed in the stent with a stent implantation success rate of 99 0%. The major complications of 339 cases of elective PCI included coronary artery spasm (24%), severe coronary artery dissection (22%), acute coronary artery occlusion (0.8%), acute and subacute thrombosis (0.6% , Acute myocardial infarction (0 5%), emergency coronary artery bypass graft (0 0 7%), and death (0 31%). Follow-up target vessel revascularization 70%. PCI for acute myocardial infarction has a larger increase than the last registration data, a total of 5 759 cases, of which 4 417 cases of direct PCI, 342 cases of remedial PCI1, the total success rate of 96 3%. The left main PCI was completed in 551 cases, with a total success rate of 98.4%, operative mortality rate of 0.9%, follow-up mortality of 8 patients (15%) and target revascularization rate of 82%. The registration of the hospital, the annual completion of PCI <75 cases of hospitals accounted for 46%, each
1 临床资料与方法1.1一般资料 自2 0 0 1年3月至今应用Amplatzer经导管治疗巨大房间隔缺损13例。男4例,女8例,年龄最大32岁,年龄最小9岁,平均17.2岁。12例患者中测量球囊测
In view of the difficulty of automatic adjustment, the recovery lag and the major accident potential of the mine ventilation system, an experimental model of th
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该项目位于河南省开封市精细化工产业集聚区苏州路西段3号,由开封市九泓化工有限公司投资建设,建成后年产3万吨邻苯二甲酸二丁酯。项目总投资5200万元。 The project is loc