
来源 :中国保险 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaxiaoli00
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河北省衡水保险分公司为维护其良好信誉,切实保障广大保户及其利害关系人的利益,他们在开展主动登门办理业务、送赔款上门和开展防灾减损保险售后服务等系列化优质服务的基础上,他们又推出了理赔跟踪服务.深受广大客户的好评.他们针对保险赔付过程中存在的一些不正确认识,比如将“谁保险谁受益”误认为“谁投保谁受益”,由此遇到投保人与被保险人非一人(单位为职工投保、子女为父母、父母为子女等)和非保险机构参与处理保险事故的情况时,出现的保险赔款不能全部落实到被保险人手中的问题,发出了《致交通事故受 Hebei Hengshui Insurance Branch in order to safeguard its good reputation, and effectively protect the interests of the majority of policyholders and their stakeholders, they are active in the door to go through business, get repatriation home and carry out disaster prevention and loss insurance services and other series of quality service Based on which they introduced the claims tracking service .Popularly by the majority of customers .According to the insurance compensation process they exist some incorrect understanding, such as the “who insurance who benefit from” mistaken for “who insured who benefits”, from which Encounter insurance policyholder and the insured person (unit for employee insurance, children for parents, parents for children, etc.) and non-insurance agencies involved in dealing with insurance accidents, the insurance claims can not be fully implemented in the hands of the insured Issue, issued a "cause of traffic accidents
目的 研究并分析了奥硝唑合剂辅助填充治疗牙体牙髓病临床疗效及预后情况.方法 以2017年5月到2019年5月到我院接受治疗的200例牙体牙髓病病患者作为本次研究对象,分为常规组
目的 探究分析在寒湿凝滞型慢性盆腔炎患者中采取少腹逐瘀汤加减治疗的效果.方法 从2018年9月至2020年9月我院收治的寒湿凝滞型慢性盆腔炎患者中抽选66例,采用数字随机分配法
目的 研究分析在治疗慢阻肺患者的过程中应用噻托溴铵粉的临床治疗效果;方法 时间:2019年3月-2020年9月,研究对象:54例慢阻肺患者,分组:随机分为采用多索茶碱治疗的对照组与
  目的 探索慢眼动潜伏期对OSAHS患者嗜睡评估的价值。方法 连续入选2011年9月至2011年11月在北京协和医院睡眠呼吸疾患诊疗中心进行整晚多导睡眠监测并确诊为重度OSAHS的
  BACKGROUND Growing evidence from population and clinic based studies showed that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and its characterizing chronic intermittent h