Preparation of Ultra-light Xonotlite Thermal Insulation Material Using Carbide Slag

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chiivy
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Using carbide slag as the calcareous materials, xonotlite thermal insulation material was successfully prepared via dynamic hydrothermal synthesis. The experimental results show that the xonotlite thermal insulation material is made up of large numbers of “chestnut bur shape” particles. Optimum conditions of calcination temperature of carbide slag, synthesis reaction temperature and time, stirring rate, CaO/SiO2 mol ratio, water/solid weight ratio, amount of fiberglass, molding pressures, dryness temperatures and the presence of dispersant (glycol and polyvinyl alcohol) favor the preparation of xonotlite thermal insulation material. The evaluation of xonotlite thermal insulation material reveals that the product is ultra-light and excellent in physical performances. Such a little amount of impurities in carbide slag has no effect on the phase, morphology, stability at high temperature and physical performances of products. Using carbide slag as the calcareous materials, xonotlite thermal insulation material was successfully prepared via dynamic hydrothermal synthesis. The experimental results show that the xonotlite thermal insulation material is made up of large numbers of “chestnut bur shape” particles. Optimum conditions of calcination temperature of carbide slag, synthesis reaction temperature and time, stirring rate, CaO / SiO2 mol ratio, water / solid weight ratio, amount of fiberglass, molding pressures, dryness temperatures and the presence of dispersant (glycol and polyvinyl alcohol) favor the preparation of The evaluation of xonotlite thermal insulation material reveals that the product is ultra-light and excellent in physical performances. Such a little amount of impurities in carbide slag has no effect on the phase, morphology, stability at high temperature and physical performances of products.
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