
来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shihongxin
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对于英语专业的学生来说,语言学往往是研究生考试中的重点。考研语言学复习的关键可以用四句话概括:着重理解、强化记忆、有的放矢、追本溯源。也就是说,要在理解的基础上记忆,做好针对性复习,并深挖试题的内涵。 For English majors, linguistics is often the focus of postgraduate exams. The key to the review of Linguistics in Kaoyan can be summed up in four sentences: focus on understanding, strengthening memory, targeted, and tracing the source. In other words, it is necessary to remember on the basis of understanding, do well targeted review, and dig deep meaning of the questions.
This paper analy ses one unit of the NSET from one of the five dimensions proposed by Gao Lingbiao (GaoLingbiao,2002,27)--the dimension of psychological and cog
Structuralism provides people with an effective solution in their constant quest of meaning.Readers and literary writers as well may make meaning out of a liter
Jeremiah Donovan is one of the five main characters in Frank O’Connor’s “Guests of the Nation”. The story narrates how war distorts human mind and the strug
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This paper has discussed Bacon’s thoughts that refer to education and their applicability to modern education in China. This paper focus on the four points whi
目的:运用结构方程及项目反应理论研制基于辨证的中医功能性胃肠病初量表,并进行科学性考核。  方法:通过文献阅读和小组讨论,在中医理论指导下,参照一般量表制定的程序化方式,制