遗山诗教甘豹隐 书画余事爱林泉——陈巨锁先生访谈录

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尘世中人,无不歆羡自由,却无时不在局限牵扯之中。如果说,自由是精神对肉体的脱离与超越,那么或许可以说,读书是最好的解脱之道。世间有书千千万,好书的特征却始终如一:智慧永远比知识更重要。读这样的书,可以感受沧桑变换中的生命之美,可以体悟人之为人的真谛所在,仰天长啸可见其烈,故国神游可见其哀,上下求索可见其诚,禅房花木可见其幽。展卷而读,虽身处容膝之 The earthly people, all envy free, but always involved in the limitations. If we say that freedom is the spiritual detachment and transcendence of the body, it may be argued that reading is the best way to liberate. There are hundreds of millions of books in the world, and the characteristics of good books are the same: wisdom is always more important than knowledge. Reading such a book, you can experience the vicissitudes of life in the vicissitudes of life, you can realize the true meaning of the human being, sky and shouts can be seen strong, the country can be seen funeral fugue, from top to bottom search can be seen its sincerity, flowers and trees can be seen quiet. Spread the volume and read, though in your knees
In this paper, the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloy under different solution conditions were investigated by optical metall
王岗,复旦大学中文系文学学士(1 98 4年)和硕士(1987年),科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado at Boulder)文学硕士(1993年),芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago)哲学博
笔者于1998年4月~1999年4月采用中药肤痒冲剂及非镇静类抗组胺药——赛特赞联合治疗慢性荨麻疹42列,获得良好疗效,现将总结报告如下。 The author in April 1998 ~ April 19
目的:探讨ABCG2、CD133、CK20、CyclinB1和DNA-PKcs在SGC-7901和MGC-803细胞SP(side population)亚群中的表达,探讨其为胃癌干细胞(cancer stemcell)标志的可行性。方法:用Ho
笔者1996年1月~1998年10月,采用中西医结合保守疗法治疗急性胆囊炎26例,收效满意。总结如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组26例,男12例,女14例;年龄18岁~30岁8例,31岁~50岁12例,