Provenance System Analysis of the Nantun Formation of the Huhehu Sag in Hailar Basin

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haoyigyaoatcs31
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Huhehu Sag is a new battlefield for the future oil and gas exploration in the Hailar Basin.At present,exploration of this area stays at a low level and the understanding of the provenance system of the Nantun Formation is comparatively weak.So,to carry out the detailed depiction of the provenance system in the study area is significant for the sedimentary system reconstruction,for the prediction of reservoir distribution and favorable areas.Based on comprehensive analysis of paleogeomorphy,light-heavy mineral and seismic reflection features,sandstone thickness and sandstone percentage,this paper analyzes in detail the provenance system of the Nantun Formation in Huhehu Sag from various angles and levels.It shows that provenances of the Huhehu Sag mainly originated from the eastern Xilinbeier Salient and western Bayan Mountain Uplift.The provenances surrounding the lake basin converged to the center of the basin,among which,the steep slope belt and the gentle slope belt are the main provenances,and the southern uplift is a secondary one.The distribution framework of the provenance fundamentally determines the distribution rules of the depositional system and its sand body developing during the Nantun period. Huhehu Sag is a new battlefield for the future oil and gas exploration in the Hailar Basin. At present, exploration of this area stays at a low level and the understanding of the provenance system of the Nantun Formation is relativelyly weak. So, to carry out the detailed depiction of the provenance system in the study area is significant for the sedimentary system reconstruction, for the prediction of reservoir distribution and favorable areas. Based on comprehensive analysis of paleogeomorphy, light-heavy mineral and seismic reflection features, sandstone thickness and sandstone percentage , this paper analyzes in detail the provenance system of the Nantun Formation in Huhehu Sag from various angles and levels. It shows that provenances of the Huhehu Sag mainly originated from the eastern Xilinbeier Salient and western Bayan Mountain Uplift. The provenances surrounding the lake basin converged to the center of the basin, among which, the steep slope belt and the gentle slope belt are the main pro venances, and the southern uplift is a secondary one. the distribution framework of the provenance fundamentally determines the distribution rules of the depositional system and its sand body developing during the Nantun period.
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