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新乡职业技术学院始建于1957年,是一所以培养中、高级技术技能型人才为主的河南省示范性技师学院。学院占地面积1800亩,建筑面积43万平方米。图书馆藏书73万余册。现有教职工1100余人,是省内中职院校拥有专家人数较多的学校,现有在校生2万余人。学校简介学校名称:新乡职业技术学院学校代码:在豫招生代码6291部标院校代码14245办学地点:河南省新乡市办学性质:公办全日制普通高等职业院校证书颁发:学制为3年,学生修完教学计划规定的全部课程,经考试,成绩合格者,准予毕业并颁发统一注册的普通高等学校毕业证书和河南省毕业生就业主管部门颁发的就业报到证。招生对象 Founded in 1957, Xinxiang Vocational and Technical College is a model technician college based in Henan Province that cultivates medium and high-level skilled personnel. College covers an area of ​​1800 mu, building area of ​​430,000 square meters. Library books more than 73 volumes. The existing staff of more than 1100 people, is the province of secondary vocational schools have more experts in the school, the existing students in more than 20,000 people. School Profile School Name: Xinxiang Vocational and Technical College School Code: Yu enrollment code 6291 Department of standard code 14245 Location: Xinxiang City, Henan Province School Nature: public full-time ordinary higher vocational colleges Certificate issued: the school system for 3 years, students Completed all the provisions of the teaching plan curriculum, the examination, the results were qualified to be allowed to graduate and issued a unified registration of the college graduation certificate and employment registration department issued by Henan Province employment permit. Target of enrollment
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